Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1333 Betting on his kindness to her!

Chapter 1333 Betting on his kindness to her!

The more anxious he was, the calmer Long Xiao's mind became.

He checked the inside and outside of the cave, but found no trace of invasion by humans or beast races.

Where did she go?
Why didn't you leave him a word and just disappeared?

Could it be that she didn't want to be with him and left secretly alone?
Thinking of the last possibility, his handsome face became even darker.

Afterwards, Long Xiao immediately denied his idea.

They were fine before, she will never leave him!Certainly not!

He suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be that she also knows some invisibility skills, hiding on purpose, and playing childish hide-and-seek games with him?

Based on the results he obtained when he inspected the cave just now, Long Xiao felt that this possibility was very high.

He tried to shout loudly, "Qing'er, Qing'er, where are you?"

"Qing'er, Qing'er, I'm back, come out quickly!"

"Qing'er, I have robbed all the belongings of the five great beast races, come out and have a look!"

"Qing'er, Qing'er..."

Shen Qing, who was indulging in the state of cultivation, was woken up by the system just now, and when he was hesitating whether to come out, he heard Long Xiao calling anxiously.

Shen Qing thought to himself, for a powerful man like Long Xiao, if he really wanted to deal with her, he could pinch her to death with just one finger, and she couldn't resist at all.

Moreover, for a man in his realm, a treasure like the system space is very important to her, but to him, he might not necessarily be interested in it, right?
So, Shen Qing gambled!

She jumped out of the system space and shouted to Long Xiao who was circling around in the cave like a trapped animal, "Ah Xiao, I'm here!"

As soon as Long Xiao heard her voice, he immediately teleported to her side, hugging her tightly in his arms.

His strength was so strong that she was almost out of breath.

"Qing'er, where did you go just now? You scared me to death!"

Shen Qing heard his voice with a hint of panic and anxiety, and didn't care about being strangled by him, so she put her arms around his waist and comforted him softly, "I just entered the space to practice for a while. What are you in a hurry for?"

Hearing her words, Long Xiao loosened his grip on her body.

Then, he immediately realized, "Your space? Do you have a portable space?"

"Huh?" Shen Qing asked him in surprise, "You also know about portable space?"

Long Xiao looked at her angrily, "I'm an expert in the heavens, how can I not know this? Xiao Qing'er, next time you scare me like this, let's see how I deal with you!"

Shen Qing hurriedly moved up to please him, kissed his lips, and rubbed against him flatteringly, "Okay, okay, it's my fault, I promise, it won't happen next time."

Long Xiao immediately said to her again, "I was frightened just now, tell me, how will you make up for my wounded heart?"

Shen Qing looked at this man's posture, is this not letting her pass the test easily?
She rolled her eyes, then smiled and asked, "Let me ask you first, have you done what I asked you to do?"

Long Xiao proudly raised his chin, "Who am I? Can I do such a trivial thing well? You underestimate your man too!"

Hearing him say "you man", Shen Qing blushed and said angrily, "Then show me quickly, what treasures are there in their warehouse?"

(End of this chapter)

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