Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1336 Finding Business Opportunities

Chapter 1336 Finding Business Opportunities
Without further ado, Long Xiao took her directly to the primeval forest.

Shen Qing asked Long Xiao to put her down again, and began to let the system scan and search around the primeval forest.

She wants to find a few more species that are produced in large quantities in this vast and boundless virgin forest, whether it is elixir or spiritual fruit, it is fine, and then they will be sold in the store of the plane, so that they can make a lot of money Earn that bit of currency.

While the system was scanning and searching, Shen Qing was not idle, and dragged Long Xiao to search for various elixir in the primeval forest.

Shen Qing said to Long Xiao again, "Ah Xiao, can you put away the Dragon King's aura on your body? Don't scare those beasts away. I want to use these beasts to practice fire powers."

Long Xiao nodded, immediately put away his aura, and said to her, "You kill the beast, I'll protect you!"

"Great! Ah Xiao, thank you!"

Shen Qing happily kissed him on the cheek, and when she wanted to back away, Long Xiao hooked her waist again, kissed him hard, and then reluctantly let her go.

Shen Qing glared at him angrily, every time he did this, he took advantage of her whenever he got the chance.

With Long Xiao as her guard, Shen Qing can let go and fight these beasts.

Sure enough, when Long Xiao put away his Longwei aura, they walked forward and saw some giant beasts haunting them.

Shen Qing thought about using some smaller beasts to practice first. When she saw a Snow Rabbit the size of a bucket, she quietly lurked not far from the Snow Rabbit.

When she aimed at the Snow Rabbit, she immediately picked up a rocket and hit it hard on the head of the Snow Rabbit.

Snow Rabbit Beast let out a scream and fell to the ground.

Shen Qing couldn't believe it, he was so powerful that he could knock down the Snow Rabbit Beast with one move?

Although she had practiced in the space for a long time, she still couldn't think of such an effect.

According to the system, the ratio of this space to the time outside is 10:1, that is, 10 days inside and only 1 day outside.

Shen Qing's system is far from Si Kou Yao's.

Si Kouyao's system is an enhanced version, and there is Leng Qingjue as her backer, and even the lottery draws are all good things.

However, Shen Qing's system is only for the general public, so the various functions will be relatively weak.

What's more, she didn't have such a background like deserted, she could only follow the system's requirements step by step.

But when Shen Qing saw that she had the effect of killing the Snow Rabbit Beast not long after cultivating in space, she was still taken aback.

Then, it was ecstasy!
She happily rushed over and put her first trophy, the Snow Rabbit, into the space.

Next, Shen Qing hunted and killed nearly ten snow rabbit beasts, and began to prepare to hunt and kill beasts that were slightly bigger than snow rabbit beasts.

At this moment, the system prompted Shen Qing, "Host, I found a large wild fruit forest in front of me, go and have a look."

Shen Qing immediately waved to Long Xiao who had been following her, "Ah Xiao, let's go ahead and have a look!"

"it is good!"

Shen Qing estimated that they walked about 1000 meters, and they saw a large fruit forest.

Each fruit tree is about ten meters high, and it is full of round, red fruits that look a little like big red apples.

Shen Qing asked Long Xiao, "Ah Xiao, do you know what kind of fruit this is?"

(End of this chapter)

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