Chapter 1348 Development Plan
Waking up from a deep sleep, Shen Qing felt refreshed all over.

She opened her eyes and looked around, and Long Xiao was no longer by her side, so she got up.

She went to Lingtan to brush her teeth and wash her face, and found that Long Xiao hadn't returned yet, so Shen Qing simply entered the space and began to make a development plan for the human tribe.

The first condition is to make them eat and drink enough, which shouldn't be difficult.

But if you want them to continue to develop, to enable them to be able to fight wild beasts, resist the beast race, and prevent the beast race from bullying them, then they need to increase the force value of everyone in the tribe.

As for the cultivation of force value, the minimum condition is to have the skills and weapons for cultivation.

Cultivation techniques can be purchased from the plane shop.

Weapons can be refined in a universal refining furnace.

After these two things are done, the next step is to arrange for them to train.

Shen Qing's plan is not to train a group of people alone, but to hope that all of them can become soldiers.

After all, this orc plane is not as strict as the earth's legal system, and the public basically has no force value.

And here, the fighting power of the orc clan is very strong, and the rule of survival is that whoever has the biggest fist is the boss.

The human race before was suppressed and beaten by the beast race precisely because the combat power was not as good as that of the beast race, and there were fewer and fewer naturally awakened supernatural beings.

To change such a bad situation, there is no other way but to practice.

For practicing exercises, Shen Qing has seen the prices on the plane store before, and the worst kind of physical training costs more than [-] face coins, which she still can't afford now!
Weapons are easy to deal with. Before Long Xiao collected a lot of ore from the five great orcs that could be used to refine weapons, she can now use the universal refining furnace to refine them.

After finishing the general plan and progress of the human race, Shen Qing is going to use the universal refining furnace to refine weapons.

When they arrived at the universal refining furnace, they found that the treasure clothes they had previously refined had already been refined and were neatly placed at the exit.

Shen Qing was overjoyed, and quickly picked up the precious garment, shook it away, and her eyes lit up instantly.


The golden body, collar, wide sleeves and skirt are decorated with patterns of peacock feathers.

What makes Shen Qing most happy is that the attribute of this treasure garment is at the level of fairy clothes, this is the real fairy dress with wide sleeves!
However, for the sake of convenience, Shen Qing provided the Universal Refining Furnace with a simple version of the wide-sleeved flowing fairy skirt pattern, and it was not bad at all.

This universal refining furnace is even better than she imagined!

Like other women, Shen Qing also likes jewelry and costumes, especially those made by herself, which give her a sense of accomplishment.

She was overjoyed, and immediately put on this fairy-level treasure clothes.

When wearing this fairy-level treasure clothes, the feeling is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary clothes.

First, after putting it on, it is as comfortable as if you are not wearing clothes, and there is no sense of restraint at all.

Second, after wearing it, it will automatically adjust the body temperature.

Third, because the fairy clothes are refined with fairy fire spirit stones, which can automatically provide her body with the power of fire spirits. Even if she doesn't practice, as long as she wears the fairy clothes, the fairy clothes can automatically absorb air The fire element in her body to nourish her body.

Fourth, there is also a defense function. As for how effective the defense function is, we will not know until it is tested.

With beautiful clothes, Shen Qing wanted a pair of shoes that could speed up her flight...

(End of this chapter)

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