Chapter 1351 Timely Rain Comes

Seeing that it was about to pounce in front of her, Shen Qing quickly dodged aside, and then threw a rain of rockets with all her strength, shooting towards the giant tiger viciously.

Due to the burns caused by the previous fireball technique, most of the rocket rain this time finally successfully shot into the giant tiger's body.

One of the arrows hit it in the head.

This ferocious giant tiger finally crashed to the ground and died under her hands.

Shen Qing's physical strength was also consumed by more than half.

She put Juhu's body into the space, took out some big fruit and water melon, and ate it with Long Xiao.

When her physical strength was almost recovered, she asked Long Xiao to bring in another giant tiger to kill her.

Seeing that Long Xiao stretched out his hand to grab and let go, and brought a tiger in, Shen Qing was extremely envious.

When will she be able to have such a strong ability as Long Xiao?

The second giant tiger was dozing off with its eyes squinted in the forest, when it was suddenly pulled into the barrier by Long Xiao, with a dazed look on its tiger face.

Shen Qing looked at this giant tiger's stupid and dazed look, and couldn't bear to kill it.

But she also knew that a ferocious beast was a ferocious beast, and after its confusion passed, it would still fight her instinctively, and would never treat her favorably.

Sure enough, as she expected, the giant tiger was only in a daze for a while, and its big tiger eyes regained their sharp light, looking at Long Xiao and Shen Qing fiercely.

Long Xiao restrained his aura all the time.

Although Shen Qing didn't hold back her breath, she was not too powerful now, and these giant tigers would not be afraid of her.

On the contrary, when they smelled the seductive smell from her body, these giant tigers regarded her as a delicious food, fiercely trying to kill her, and then tear her to pieces.

The same is true for the giant tiger in front of him.

After it smelled the scent from Shen Qing's body, its eyes turned red instantly.

The next moment, it roared wildly, opened its mouth wide open, and rushed towards Shen Qing.

After a fierce battle, Shen Qing killed the second giant tiger.

Next, she entered the killing mode, the third head, the fourth head, the fifth head, the sixth head, the seventh head, the eighth head...

Keep killing and killing, until it was almost dark, Shen Qing stopped.

Seeing Shen Qing's exhausted appearance, Long Xiao's eyes were filled with distress, without saying a word, he hugged her directly and teleported back to Yushi Cave.

Long Xiao hugged her, and the two of them went into Lingtan to take a bath together.

The water in this Lingtan also contains spiritual power. Shen Qing soaked in it and leaned against Long Xiao's body, feeling very comfortable.

After a tiring day, she soon fell asleep.

Seeing that she was asleep, Long Xiao gently picked her up, performed a cleansing technique on her, carried her back to the bed, took her into his arms, and fell asleep with her.

Day three.

It was the day that Shen Qing and Patriarch Guan had agreed to go to the human tribe.

What made Shen Qing very happy was that as soon as she woke up, she heard the system say to her, "Host, good news, today a merchant from the magic plane bought a lot of berries and water melons, and the transaction amount was enough." There are 150 million plane coins. In addition, a merchant from the ancient plane purchased a small amount of rough jadeite, and the transaction amount was more than 20 yuan."

Shen Qing was overjoyed, "Really? That's great! Mr. System, please help me choose a few mental methods that can be practiced by the people of the human tribe, and buy them."

(End of this chapter)

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