Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1361 Changing the fate of the tribe 1

Chapter 1361 Changing the fate of the tribe 1
Shen Qing hurriedly said, "You are welcome, Prophet, let's come and see you. I wonder if you are feeling better?"

The Prophet said gratefully, "This is an old problem of mine, and it will recover after a while. Thank you Goddess and Dragon King for your concern!"

Shen Qing took out a recovery pill and said to the prophet, "Prophet, this is the recovery pill. If you take it, your body will recover."

The Prophet's eyes lit up, he looked at the recovery pill in Shen Qing's hand, smelled the rich fragrance that lifted his spirits, and immediately cupped his hands in thanks, "Thank you, Goddess, for giving me the pill!"

He took the recovery pill from Shen Qing's hand, stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it directly.

Soon, he felt heat in his abdomen.

That warm current flowed along his veins to his limbs, quickly nourishing his body.

The prophet, who looked weak at first, has undergone a very obvious change under the naked eyes of everyone.

First of all, his spirit is getting better and better.

Then, his face also turned rosy.

After all the medicinal power of the Rejuvenation Pill was absorbed by him, the Prophet felt that his body had not only returned to health, but also became full of strength, his strength seemed to have increased, and his whole body relaxed as if he was about to fly.

The prophet jumped out of the bed so excited, and knelt down straight towards Shen Qing, "Thank you Goddess for saving my life, Yin De will never forget it, and will always remember it in my heart! Yin De is willing to work hard for Goddess to repay her kindness! "

Shen Qing quickly helped the Prophet up, "Prophet, you are serious! You are the prophet of the tribe and the guiding light of the tribe. If anything happens to you, the tribe will be sad. Now that you are in good health, the tribe will be able to Don't worry, I can rest assured!"

Patriarch Guan also smiled and said, "Prophet, the goddess is right. We can rest assured that you are well! Now that you are blessed by the goddess and in good health, we can rest assured."

Seeing how much they cared about him, the prophet was moved and thanked them again and again.

Seeing that the Prophet was fine, Shen Qing said to the Prophet, "Prophet, then let's take our leave first. Patriarch Guan and I have to go to see other sick clansmen and see if I can help them?"

The Prophet thought of Shen Qing's miraculousness, and he wanted to follow along to see it and gain some insight, so he immediately said, "Goddess, I am in good health now, may I go for a walk with you?"

Shen Qing smiled and said, "Okay! Prophet please!"

The prophet hurriedly bowed slightly, "Goddess, you and the Dragon King please first!"

So, the group went to the next sick family member's house.

On the way, Patriarch Guan introduced to Shen Qing and Long Xiao, "This family has only mother and son, and they are also a poor couple. The mother is sick and blind, and the son is crippled. Alas, we can only rely on the tribe to distribute some money." Eat and hang your life."

Shen Qing asked, "Where's the man in their family?"

Patriarch Guan sighed, and replied in a deep voice, "The man in their family died while fighting a beast horde!"

Shen Qing let out a soft "oh" and didn't speak any more.

Arriving in front of that family's door, Shen Qing looked at the dilapidated stone thatched house, and couldn't help sighing again, she still had a long way to go to change the fate of the entire clan!
Patriarch Guan shouted from outside the door, "Yarin, Bubu, the goddess is here to see you, open the door quickly!"


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(End of this chapter)

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