Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1363 Changing the fate of the tribe 3

Chapter 1363 Changing the fate of the tribe 3
Although Boo Boo is young, he is very clever.

He also heard the conversation between his mother Yalin and Chief Guan and Shen Qing just now, so even though his legs and feet were inconvenient and he couldn't stand up, he bowed to Shen Qing and Long Xiao on the bed, "Bubu has seen the Goddess I’ve seen the Dragon King! I’ve seen the Patriarch Grandpa! I’ve seen the Prophet Grandpa!”

Patriarch Guan reached out his hand and patted his head kindly, "Good boy! The goddess is here, you are saved!"


Bubu's eyes burst into a bright light, but quickly dimmed.

He really wanted his legs to get better, but he was also afraid that after he had hope, he would be disappointed again, and he would be even more sad and sad.

Shen Qing also saw his worry, she stretched out her hand to caress his head, took out the bottle of gene repair solution from the space, and poured him a glass from a cup.

Then, she said to him, "Boob, this elixir is called Gene Repair Liquid, which can repair all human defects. Come on, you can try this elixir and see if it is so useful?"

Bubu took it and looked at his mother again.

Seeing that he was still hesitating, the Prophet and Patriarch Guan shouted anxiously, "Boob, drink the elixir given by the goddess!"

Shen Qing also said to him, "That's right! Bubu, this is for you! I'll drink it for your mother later!"

Bubu heard that his mother would have something to drink, so he raised his head and drank the gene repair liquid in one gulp.

After a while, cold sweat began to break out on his thin little face.

Bubu clenched his teeth, and looked at Shen Qing with pleading eyes, "Goddess, I'm in pain, it hurts so much..."

Shen Qing didn't know why this happened. Seeing him in such pain, she hurriedly asked the system, "Mr. System, why is he in such pain? Is there a problem?"

The system replied, "The things produced by the system are the best of their kind, and only after the strict inspection of the system can they be put on the shelves for sale and participate in the lucky draw. His body, after the pain, his legs will be fine! Let him bear it!"

After listening to the system's explanation, Shen Qing quickly comforted Bubu, "Bubbu, hold on, the genetic repair fluid is transforming your body now, after the pain is over, your legs will be fine!"

Yalin, Patriarch Guan, and Prophet were all worried when they heard Bubu screaming in pain, but now they were relieved when they heard Shen Qing's explanation.

Yalin heard that her son's legs recovered after the pain, but she couldn't control the tension in her heart, so she asked Shen Qing again, "Goddess, can my Bobu's legs really heal?"

Shen Qing replied with certainty, "It will be fine! Don't worry!"

Yalin clasped her hands together, bowed to Shen Qing again and again, and kept saying, "Thank you for the blessings of the goddess! Thank you for the blessings of the goddess! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Shen Qing took out another cup, poured a cup of genetic repair solution for Yalin, and handed the cup to Yalin, and said to her, "Come on, Yalin, you can drink a cup of genetic repair solution too! After finishing drinking Now, your eyes will be fine."

"Thank you Goddess! Thank you!"

After thanking Yalin, she didn't even ask any more questions. She took the cup from Shen Qing's hand, raised her head and drank the gene repair solution in one gulp.

After a while, Yalin also began to feel a burning pain in her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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