Chapter 137 Strong Counterattack 1
As soon as Xiao Chifeng picked up the phone, Xiao Dingtian's chilly voice rang out, "Xiao Chifeng, do you know what's going on on the Internet?"

Xiao Dingtian seldom calls him by his first name, except when he is very angry. Now this matter has become more and more troublesome in such a short period of time. Even though he knows that this is someone else targeting Xiao Chifeng, or even him and the Xiao family, Xiao Dingtian Still can't help but get angry.

Xiao Chifeng replied casually, "I just found out."

Xiao Dingtian immediately asked again, "Then what are you going to do?"

Xiao Chifeng still replied indifferently, "It's better not to block, just hold a press conference and disclose that Qingcong and I are fiancée."

Xiao Dingtian snorted coldly, "Your mother won't agree!"

Xiao Chifeng sneered back at him, "Then father has a better solution?"

Xiao Dingtian was choked by him, and could no longer maintain a steady breath, he roared in a low voice, "Come to the office of the Presidential Palace immediately, immediately!"

Xiao Chifeng answered "Okay" and hung up the phone directly.

He told the driver again, "Go to the presidential palace!"


Xiao Chifeng looked at Shen Qingcong again, facing her clear and bright pure eyes, with obvious worries in them, Xiao Chifeng's heart softened, did she hear their conversation?
He reached out and rubbed her head, "Don't worry! No matter what happens, I'm here!"

Shen Qingcong said to him, "Look online, what's going on?"

Xiao Chifeng grunted, and opened the webpage with his mobile phone. When he saw the title and content, no matter how well-mannered he was, he couldn't help but swear, "Son of a bitch..."

Shen Qingcong saw that these sluts didn't even spare the dead Gong Chen, and even Gong Chen tried his best to blackmail him, and suddenly became angry, "Ah Chi, find these sluts and kill him immediately !"

Gong Chen's death is her Ni Lin, she will never allow anyone to insult him!
Absolutely not allowed!

Xiao Chifeng frowned, took out his laptop, quickly connected to the Internet, and began to compete with the opponent's hacker on the keyboard.

After a while, Xiao Chifeng discovered that the other party was indeed a stubborn stubble.

No wonder the empire's network monitoring department can't do anything about these people!

Seeing that Xiao Chifeng couldn't attack for a long time, Shen Qingcong was also a little irritable.

She asked Bai Yan with her mind, "Bai Yan, since you say you are the most powerful system, can you handle this hacker?"

Bai Yan snorted arrogantly, "Is it just such a trivial matter that you want me to solve?"

Shen Qingcong rolled her eyes, "Just tell me, can you handle the other party?"

"Of course!"

Shen Qingcong immediately ordered, "That's fine, I'll leave this matter to you, within 1 minute, all these posts will disappear!"


Bai Yan connected to the Internet, and when he saw those posts, they were all hurting his own host, and felt that he couldn't bear it, so he directly crawled along the Internet to the other party's computer.

Bai Yan directly copied all the information and content of the other party's entire computer, and then hacked his computer.

Ghost Hand Seven, who was in a contest with Xiao Chifeng, was grinning grinningly, and when he was about to suppress Xiao Chifeng, he found that his computer suddenly made a "beep", and then the computer was paralyzed, and no matter how he started it, it was useless .

Ghost Hand Seven immediately changed to another computer and connected to the Internet again.

A top hacker like Guishou Qi, one of the top hackers in the world, relies on computers for his food. Naturally, he cannot only have one computer.

(End of this chapter)

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