Chapter 1373 Shen Qing's Pregnancy
Shen Qing hurriedly said to him with a flattering face, "No, no, you are the most heroic and domineering Lord Dragon King, how could you not work hard? I think it's enough! It's enough! You're just too modest, hehehe... ..."

Seeing her overwhelmed look, Long Xiao couldn't help teasing her, "How is it possible? We can't even conceive a child, so I have to prove it to you! Qing'er, why don't we come here now?" Make a man?"

Shen Qing glanced at the sky outside, the sun hasn't set yet, why did he start to be in heat?
Even if she is unwilling, he will always find a way to make her surrender in the end.

In the days that followed, Long Xiao did his best to prove his strength.

After several years of hard work, Emperor Tian finally paid off, and Shen Qing was finally pregnant!

When Shen Qing found out that she was pregnant, she still couldn't believe it. She pulled Long Xiao and asked again and again, "Ah Xiao, are you really pregnant? You didn't lie to me, did you?"

Long Xiao saw that she, who was always shrewd and agile, showed such a stupid look on a rare occasion, and couldn't help laughing, "It's true! You are going to be Mother Long! Are you happy?"

Shen Qing nodded vigorously, "Of course I'm happy! I'm very happy! I'm very happy! Hahaha, I'm finally going to be a mother! I'm finally going to be a mother!!! Ah Xiao, we're going to be parents!"

Long Xiao felt her happiness and was infected by her, he laughed along with her, "Yes! We are going to be parents too!"

After she got pregnant, Shen Qing began to live a life of raising a baby.

Long Xiao will help deal with the tribe's affairs, so she doesn't need to worry about it.

She eats and then sleeps, and sleeps and eats, and the whole person will soon be well-rounded.

Four months later, when Shen Qing felt the baby move for the first time in her stomach, Shen Qing couldn't help shouting excitedly, "Ah Xiao, Ah Xiao, Longer can move, can move..."

Long Xiao also hurried over and reached out to touch her stomach for a long time, but there was no movement at all.

He looked at Shen Qing suspiciously, "Why is this kid not moving again?"

Shen Qing also felt a little strange, "Maybe the child is still young and not strong enough."

After Long Xiao took his hand away, Shen Qing felt the little guy in his stomach move again.

She couldn't help joking with him and said, "Ah Xiao, you see that as soon as you took your hand away, he moved again. This child seems to be against you! Hahaha..."

Long Xiao snorted coldly, "Wait for him to come out and see if I can spank his little ass!"

Shen Qing laughed angrily, "You want to beat the child before he comes out, so be careful that the child won't call you father in the future."

Long Xiao stared, "Dare he?"

Shen Qing smiled and said, "Do you think he dares?"

Seeing Shen Qing's arrogant look, Long Xiao had no choice but to compromise, "Okay! You win!"

When Shen Qing was five months old, her appetite became bigger and bigger, and she became hungry more and more easily.

But she ate so much, not only did she not continue to gain weight, but she became thinner and thinner.

Long Xiao quickly felt the strangeness in her, and knew that there must be a little dragon in his stomach who began to absorb the aura from her mother, which caused her to become thinner and thinner.

Long Xiao began to send spiritual energy to Xiao Long'er every night, so that he could eat well without consuming the spiritual energy of his mommy.

Sure enough, after he did this, Shen Qing's complexion became better and better, and soon gained weight again.


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(End of this chapter)

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