Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1375 The Extremely Cute Little Dragon

Chapter 1375 The Extremely Cute Little Dragon
Long Xiao glanced at his son tenderly, then stretched out his hand to stroke her head, and whispered to her gratefully, "Qing'er, thank you for your hard work!"

Shen Qing raised her beautiful eyes and cast an annoyed look at him, "What's the hard work, this is our baby, and I have a share too, Xiao Longer, don't you think so?"

Xiao Long'er waved his small arms, looked at Shen Qing and yelled twice, and then laughed "giggle"...

Shen Qing looked at Long Xiao with a look of surprise, "Ah Xiao, our little Long'er is really extraordinary, he's just born, yet he can laugh."

Long Xiao smiled and said, "Of course, don't even think about it, how much spiritual power this kid absorbed from you and me when he was in the womb. If he is not better than others, wouldn't he be a little fool?"

When Xiao Long'er heard his father say that you were a fool, he immediately waved his fist in dissatisfaction, and even yelled a few times.

Seeing that her son was angry, Shen Qing quickly kissed him, then coaxed him and said, "Oh, my little Long'er, your father is praising you for being smart, baby, don't be angry..."

Xiao Long'er still glared at his father with hatred, and when he turned his head to meet Shen Qing again, he put on an innocent smiling face with crooked smiling eyes.

Seeing that this kid treated him and Shen Qing so differently, Long Xiao immediately darkened his face, bared his teeth at his son, and waved his fist.

Seeing his rare childish performance, Shen Qing burst out laughing, "Ah Xiao, you are already a father, and you actually competed with a baby. I laughed to death, hahaha..."

Long Xiao also felt that his intelligence had been lowered to the level of a baby, his face was a little smelly, and he snorted resentfully.

Shen Qing smiled, and suddenly found that Xiao Long'er started to pounce on her, with his mouth still open, as if he was very hungry and wanted to find food.

Shen Qing also understood that this little baby was hungry, so she quickly lifted up her clothes...

Before she had time to ask Long Xiao to perform a cleansing technique on her, the little Longer rushed forward impatiently.

Feeding a baby for the first time can be difficult.

Enduring the pain, Shen Qing saw Xiao Long'er sweating profusely from drinking, and quickly asked Long Xiao to come over with a handkerchief to wipe his sweat.

Xiao Long'er has a big appetite, she drank all the milk on both sides of Shen Qing, but still felt that it wasn't enough, so she yelled "Awwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

With a helpless face, Shen Qing touched the little guy's stomach, he was drunk enough, but he wasn't full yet?

She looked at Long Xiao, "Ah Xiao, why don't you catch a few goats that have just given birth, and milk some goat milk for Xiao Long'er to drink?"

Long Xiao nodded, "Okay! I'm going to catch the sheep and baa beasts now. If you're tired, take a rest first."

After Long Xiao left, Xiao Long'er actually stopped crying, and laughed "giggle" at Shen Qing again.

Shen Qing instantly understood that this little guy actually used this method to divert his father away from the mountain!

This little brain melon seed is really smart!
How did her son grow up?
After Shen Qing was amazed, she looked proud, such a smart and lovely son was born to her!

Xiao Long'er laughed for a while, then felt sleepy.

He rubbed against Shen Qing's arms, found a comfortable position, and fell asleep soundly.

Shen Qing gently placed him beside her, turned her head and fell asleep.

When she woke up again, when she opened her eyes, she didn't see the cute figure of her son, but saw a little dragon lying beside her...

(End of this chapter)

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