Chapter 165
When Xiao Chifeng left, he also specially instructed Xiao Chuntian to pay close attention to the movements of Shen Daqiang's family. In addition, he also sent another secret guard to keep an eye on the family in secret.

He knew that this family came prepared, but this time they didn't get anything. If they were to leave the imperial capital like this, how could they be willing?
For Shen Daqiang, Xiao Chifeng can rest assured that although he is a scumbag, at least he still has a little bottom line.

But this family of three surnamed Liang is hard to say.

They are used to doing things by unscrupulous means, moreover, their hearts are even more jealous and resentful towards the green onion, and they will definitely leave behind to deal with the green onion.

On the three-acre land in the capital, if he, Xiao Chifeng, can still make the Liang family make trouble, then he won't want this face.

On their way home, Shen Qingcong received a call from Yan Ting.

Yan Ting asked her directly, "Sister-in-law, tomorrow is our jadeite jewelry auction, are you coming back?"

Shen Qingcong didn't even think about it, so she immediately responded, "Go back! I'll definitely go back!"

In the past few days in the capital, she was more tired than fighting. She wished to go back to Delta as soon as possible, to rest and recuperate in the quiet, beautiful place of Qinglong villa area.

If she stayed in the capital, there would definitely be a steady stream of people coming to trouble her.

She'd better hurry up and slip away quickly!

All the troublesome things here in the capital are left to Xiao Chifeng to deal with.

After hanging up Yan Ting's phone call, Shen Qingcong looked at Xiao Chifeng and said, "Ah Chi, tomorrow is our jadeite jewelry auction, I want to go back and have a look."

Xiao Chifeng pursed his lips tightly, with a serious face, and did not answer for a long time.

Shen Qingcong hooked his neck, rubbed his face, and said coquettishly, "Achi, just let me go back! Here in the capital, there are too many troubles, and it is impossible to conceive. Tell me, if I If you are in a bad mood, will the child be raised well?"

Xiao Chifeng finally raised his eyes, looked at Shen Qingcong fixedly, leaned forward slightly, and said in a muffled voice, "I don't want you to go!"

Shen Qingcong continued to coax him, "Now that the air traffic is so developed, it only takes a few hours for you to see me. If you miss me, just fly over to see me!"

Xiao Chifeng snorted, "But I prefer to sleep with you every day!"

Shen Qingcong chuckled and teased him, "You hug me to sleep every day, and you can't eat. You are so angry, aren't you afraid of suffocating your body?"

Xiao Chifeng's eyes sank, he looked at her, and suddenly grinned badly, "Aren't you still there?"

Shen Qingcong met his meaningful eyes, and instantly felt a numbness in his scalp.

She didn't dare to tease him anymore, so she coughed lightly, straightened her mind, and said, "Ah Chi, please help me arrange a special plane to go back! I really don't want to stay in Kyoto anymore."

Seeing that she was determined to leave, Xiao Chifeng knew he couldn't keep her.

Moreover, now is not the best time for her to stay.

The capital here is still very chaotic, leaving early will only benefit her, not harm her.

No matter how reluctant Xiao Chifeng was, he still had to let go when Shen Qingcong's safety was at stake.

"Okay! I'll arrange it right away!"

Xiao Chifeng made a phone call, and quickly arranged a special plane on standby, ready to take Shen Qingcong back at any time.

When Shen Qingcong left, he would have enough energy to deal with those people who didn't have eyesight.

(End of this chapter)

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