Chapter 169 Eat too much
Yan Ting, Jin Long and the others had just eaten the extremely delicious barbecue, and just when they felt that it was not enjoyable, they saw the big pot of boiled meat slices in Aunt Zeng's hand again, and they all screamed excitedly like hungry wolves. Called, "Great! I still have to eat, I still have to eat, hahahahaha..."

"Aunt Zeng, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming..."

"Damn! You gang of animals are grabbing too fast, save some for me!"

"I caught this first!"

"Stop coming, I was the one who caught it first!"

Aunt Zeng watched as they picked up the bowls and chopsticks one by one without regard to their demeanor and manners, and rushed towards the pot of meat, desperately grabbing there!Grab it!Grab it! ! !
Aunt Zeng pursed her lips and smiled straight at the appearance of crazily grabbing food.

Xiao Chifeng shook his head, these guys are really embarrassing!

Seeing them crazily grabbing food, they are even scarier than that hungry ghost reincarnated person!Well, he would be kind enough not to rob them!

He might as well just go directly to the kitchen, accompany his Xiao Cong Cong, and let his Xiao Cong Cong cook him a few other private dishes by the way, this is happiness!
You guys who can only eat big pots of vegetables, just envy and hate!

When Shen Qingcong saw Xiao Chifeng appearing in the kitchen, he was busy frying the beef tenderloin and stir-frying celery in the pot.

Seeing him coming in, she was a little surprised, "Why are you here?"

Xiao Chifeng looked at her skillful cooking movements, flowing and flowing, natural and elegant, as if she had done it thousands of times, so he couldn't take his eyes off it.

Look at the vegetables in the pot again, the beef strips are cut into thin strips, the green celery strips, the dark green chili shreds, and the orange-red carrot shreds, put on the special bean paste, add various The seasoning, the enticing rich aroma, entered his nostrils one after another, making him feel his tongue twitching and salivating.

It was the first time for Xiao Chifeng to see Shen Qingcong's virtuous and housekeeping side, and his heart was touched again, a feeling called happiness spontaneously emerged in his body.

This is the taste of home, the taste of his wife, and the taste of his lover that he has always longed for.

This pot of fried beef tenderloin with celery and shallots was also divided into two plates.

A large plate is naturally for the hungry wolves outside.

A plate of small plates, which she left for herself and Aunt Zeng.

She believes in her own craftsmanship very much, coupled with the specialness of the ingredients, coupled with the space spirit spring and top-notch seasonings, even the pickiest gourmets will definitely not be able to resist the temptation of the food she made.

She was afraid that Yan Ting and Jin Long would forget their faces when they saw the food, so in order to prevent her, the chef, and Aunt Zeng from starving, Shen Qingcong specially left another dish.

Next, Shen Qingcong made a mouth-watering spicy diced rabbit and a spicy venison, and asked Aunt Zeng to serve them out.

Yan Ting and Jin Long yelled as they ate, saying that they enjoyed the food and enjoyed it. It would be even better if the little sister-in-law could cook for them several times a week.

When Shen Qingcong wanted to cook two more dishes, Xiao Chifeng was already seriously dissatisfied.

He directly reached out to hold her, and said in a deep voice, "Okay, okay, there are so many dishes, and the portions are so big, enough to fill their stomachs, you should take a rest, wash your hands, and eat with me. "

Shen Qingcong heard that he didn't eat it either, so she quickly divided the remaining portion into two halves, sent half to Aunt Zeng to her room, and left the other half to Aunt Zeng and Uncle Bao to eat together.

(End of this chapter)

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