Chapter 191 The Reality Is Cruel

Her resentment was naturally aimed at Yan Ting and Xiao Chifeng.

These two men turned out to have an attitude of ignoring her today.

Her hatred was aimed at Shen Qingcong.

This little bitch was able to firmly control Xiao Chifeng, and even made him so obedient, she did whatever she wanted.

And Xiao Chifeng's favor and love for Shen Qingcong made Bai Zhi even more jealous and hateful.

Why did he just listen to that little bitch?

In contrast, Xiao Chifeng's ignorance of her was even more unbearable for her.

Just now, when she wanted to come over with Yan Ting, Xiao Chifeng rejected her directly, and said that it was inconvenient for outsiders to listen to what they were talking about!

After all, she is also the core executive of the Azure Dragon Club, right?

He Xiao Chifeng actually regarded her as an outsider! ! !
This cruel reality caused Bai Zhi's heart to be hit hard again.

Bai Zhi couldn't do anything to Xiao Chifeng, so she transferred all the anger and hatred in her heart to Shen Qingcong, and her killing intent towards Shen Qingcong was even stronger, wishing to kill him soon!
Bai Zhi watched helplessly as Xiao Chifeng, Yan Ting, and Shen Qingcong went upstairs surrounded by the four dragons of Jinlong, Wooden Dragon, Water Dragon, and Fire Dragon.

Then she followed quietly.

Shen Qingcong's mental strength has not been relaxed, and when she saw Bai Zhi's little tail following up, the corners of her lips curled into a sarcasm.

Want to eavesdrop on their conversation?
Hehe, I'm really overwhelmed!

She randomly set up a mental barrier, also known as a "barrier", which can block everyone's peeping.

Only when meeting a monk whose spiritual strength is several layers higher than hers, can it be possible to break the spiritual barrier she set up.

But with Bai Zhi's current cultivation base and ability, it is far from reaching that level.

Xiao Chifeng and Yan Ting took Shen Qingcong back to Xiao Chifeng's dedicated office.

Although Xiao Chifeng rarely came here in order to avoid the suspicion of some domestic opponents, Yan Ting still left him the largest office and lounge.

After they arrived at the office, Yan Ting asked Silong to guard outside.

Shen Qingcong also quickly set up a mental barrier around the three of them.

She directly asked Yan Ting first, "Brother Yan, did you investigate the case of killing us last time?"

Yan Ting nodded, "I found out, according to the captured black-clothed killers, they were sent by our deadly enemy, the leader of the Delta Federation Army, Zhuangsha, and they wanted to kill us, and then took advantage of the chaos to seize Qinglong meeting place."

Shen Qingcong looked at him, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "Brother Yan, you have never suspected that someone else may have done this, but you blamed Shansha and then let you guys fight again." , the possibility of losing both sides in the end?"

Yan Ting wanted to refute, but when he met Shen Qingcong's cold eyes, he was overwhelmed by her aura, and he was so scared that he couldn't speak.

Shen Qingcong said directly, "According to the answers I found out, the people from Shansha didn't do the sniping this time, but the people from our Azure Dragon Society!"

Yan Ting's heart trembled, "Who is it?"

Xiao Chifeng thought of what Shen Qingcong said before, and already had the answer in his heart.

Sure enough, the next moment, Xiao Chifeng heard Shen Qingcong say a name lightly, "Bai Zhi!"

Yan Ting seemed unable to accept this fact, and shook his head suddenly, "Impossible! This is impossible! How could she do such a cruel thing to us?"

(End of this chapter)

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