Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 196 President Xiao's Guarantee and Promise

Chapter 196 President Xiao's Guarantee and Promise
It took a while for President Xiao to suppress his incomparably excited mood.

He had the same reaction as Xiao Chifeng before. He was so surprised that he couldn't believe such a good thing. With a trembling voice, he carefully asked his son for confirmation and confirmation, "Son, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

Xiao Chi smiled and said, "Why would I lie to you about such a happy event? Dad, aren't you happy and silly?"

President Xiao, who was affirmed and confirmed by his son, was so happy from ear to ear, he smiled and spat at him, "You brat, how did you talk? I'm so happy! I'm very happy! Son, tell Xiao Shen, She must take good care of her health. As long as she gives birth to these four children safely and healthily, then she will be a great contributor to our Xiao family. No matter what she asks, I will agree to her! I will agree to everything! I will never do it again. Let her be wronged! Did you hear clearly?"

With President Xiao's guarantee and promise, Xiao Chifeng smiled even more happily when he thought of the beautiful and happy life in the future, "Dad, I know! I will tell Congcong!"

He understands his father's current mood and thoughts very well.

Generally, royal families or aristocratic families like their Xiao family hope that their offspring will continue to prosper. Only when their offspring prosper can they pass on this huge family business from generation to generation, and avoid the embarrassment of having no successors.

But if there are no heirs, wouldn't such a huge family business, such a huge kingdom, and the efforts of so many generations be in vain?
If they have no heirs, then everything they have is tantamount to making wedding dresses for others. Even if they die, they may not be able to rest in peace.

Mr. Xiao actually had two sons and one daughter, but Xiao Dingtian only gave birth to one son, Xiao Chifeng.

Although his younger brother Xiao Nengli and younger sister Xiao Yuli each had several children, they were not his own children.

Xiao Dingtian always felt that a son without the help of his own brothers and sisters seemed a little helpless alone, but Zheng Yiling hurt his body when Xiao Chifeng was born, and could never give birth again.

He, Xiao Dingtian, is also a good man with principles and a bottom line, and he is unwilling to do those crap things of finding other women to have children as surrogates, so Xiao Chifeng has only been in his blood all along.

Xiao Dingtian has always been faintly worried, worried that the root of his direct line will be broken on his son?
It's all right now, the worries he had been worrying all along, because of Qing Cong's pregnancy, were immediately resolved.

When he is old, his four precious grandchildren should also grow up.

With the help of the grandchildren, the son will not be alone, nor helpless.

And the blood of their direct line will be passed on to more and more people, so he doesn't need to worry anymore.

Xiao Dingtian thought for a while, and then told his son, "Achi, in order to avoid any accidents, let's temporarily close the news about this happy event. Don't talk about the old man, the old lady, and your mother, and wait for the children to come." After giving birth, give them another surprise!"

"Okay, I see."

Xiao Chifeng naturally knew the importance of it.

Over the years, countless people, whether internal or external, wanted his life, wanted to break President Xiao's roots, and snatch him as the heir to the royal family.

If the news that Qing Cong was pregnant with quadruplets spread, and how many unscrupulous people would attract attention and hostility, her pregnancy would definitely not be peaceful.

 PS: Thank you Eila, Liang Jingjing, Artistic Conception Floating Chen, し°微①つ, Time is Quiet, Yingfen, Nightmare Moyue, and Yutian for your rewards, what a treat~
(End of this chapter)

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