Chapter 206
"Ouyang Feiyi? I don't think I've heard of it!"

After Shen Qingcong finished muttering, her mind suddenly lit up. Didn't Xiao Chifeng give her a copy of the personnel information of various wealthy families in Beijing before? She remembered that Ouyang Feiyi was also the one that Xiao Chifeng highlighted to make her be careful. figure!

Xiao Chifeng's evaluation of Ouyang Feiyi was just like what Xiao Baiyan said, that he was an alluring man in the coat of an elegant gentleman, but inside he was as ferocious as a devil.

Xiao Baiyan continued, "Ouyang Feiyi is the youngest son of Ouyang Qianyuan in middle age. He looks good. Not only are his parents dote on him, but his two older brothers and one older sister are also responsive to him."

"According to the information I found on Ouyang Feiyi's computer, Ouyang Feiyi secretly controlled many entertainment venues and collected information for him. He also specially established an entertainment company called Chaoxing to provide him with The sources of beautiful men and women are not only for him to satisfy his personal desires, but also become a means for him to win over those rich and powerful."

"Just by relying on this kind of low-level means, he really won a lot of dignitaries into their camp of Ouyang's family."

"Judging from the current personnel layout of Ouyang's family, Ouyang Qianyuan is the vice president, and his wife is the president of the National Women's Federation; his eldest son, Ouyang Feixiang, controls the power of the Kyoto military department. His strength in the army cannot be underestimated."

"The second son, Ouyang Feixiang, is now the second in command of a major economic province in the south and a member of one party. His third daughter is the vice president of the Imperial Bank, and his son-in-law is a diplomat."

"The last one is Ouyang Feiyi. When he was here, he established the Ouyang Group. His business methods are very unique. Now he is 25 years old. After seven years of development, the Ouyang Group has become a multinational group with clear assets. The amount on the Internet has already exceeded 2000 billion, and if you add the shady black African private mines and other industries in the dark, it is conservatively estimated that there should be nearly 5000 billion Chinese dollars.”

Shen Qingcong opened her mouth wide in surprise, "Damn! He's so rich! Then isn't he even better than Richest Man Li? If I want to crush him economically, won't it take a lot of time?"

Shen Qingcong's mind was hit instantly.

Originally, she thought that through the last jadeite auction, she already had more than 200 billion in assets, and she was considered a little rich woman. In the end, compared with these real invisible rich people, she didn't even have a fraction of theirs!
Shen Qingcong asked again, "Then have you found out, why did he attack us?"

Xiao Baiyan chuckled lightly, "Isn't it just as you guessed, I want to borrow your business, make Xiao Chifeng stinky, and pull him down! Xiao is always the only son of President Xiao, Mr. Xiao has stepped down, and Mr. Xiao If anything happens to the President, then the Xiao family will be completely finished, and their Ouyang family will be able to succeed!"

Shen Qingcong frowned, "According to you, this Ouyang family is much more difficult to deal with than the previous Jiang family?"

Xiao Baiyan replied, "That's for sure! Not to mention anything else, the identity and status of the Ouyang family is more than one level higher than that of the Jiang family. In terms of economic strength and personnel communication, The Ouyang family crushed the Jiang family even more."

"You should pay more attention to the fact that the banner of the Ouyang family has always been to be charitable and benefit the people. Even a demon like Ouyang Feiyi has donated money everywhere, and won the title of the best benefactor in the empire. !"

(End of this chapter)

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