Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 208 Strong Combat Capabilities!

Chapter 208 Strong Combat Capabilities!

Shen Qingcong couldn't believe it when she saw this man who was always cool in her family talk to her in such a coquettish tone!
She once again felt that her will was severely tested and challenged!
Seeing that young master Xiao suddenly turned into a loyal dog begging for favor, Shen Qingcong let out a roar in her heart, ouch, she simply couldn't resist her boss Xiao's acting like a spoiled child!

Heartbeat, it is better to act!
Shen Qingcong directly stretched out both hands, held Xiao Chifeng's head, winked at him, and whispered softly to him, "Honey, good nights are short, let's be serious!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Qingcong pressed his head down and kissed his lips forcefully.

Young Master Xiao, who has always been used to controlling the overall situation and commanding others to fight, quickly regained his initiative.

His love is as strong as fire and as passionate as fire.

His arms were strong and strong, and he was able to hug her lightly and delicately.

His body was as hard as steel, full of masculine charm.

When Shen Qingcong was almost suffocated by his kiss, he let her go and curled his lips happily.

Only then did Shen Qingcong realize belatedly that in terms of combat skills and abilities, she would never be a match for this Young Master Xiao!
Xiao Chifeng felt at this time that his little daughter-in-law was really like a little fairy, fascinated him, making him like an immature little boy, unable to restrain himself.

For a man like him who has been dry for 28 years, he finally had a night of meat, and finally felt the wonderful taste of happiness, but he never thought that she was pregnant!

His combat ability is really strong!
Regardless of what other people think, even he admires himself!
Every time I think of him winning the lottery once, and winning four in the first one, Xiao Chifeng is extremely proud, he is really good, no matter which battlefield he is on, he is invincible, hahahahaha...

But now, he is sad!
Such a delicate and soft little daughter-in-law, it is rare for her to be so active, but he can see and touch it, but he just dare not eat it!
I can not eat it!I dare not eat it!

It's really, really, really regrettable!
Young Master Xiao, who was so depressed that he wanted to hit the wall, put her aside helplessly, kissed her bitterly, and whispered bitterly, "Bad girl, I will settle accounts with you later!"

Seeing Xiao Chifeng enter the bathroom with an aggrieved and depressed face, Shen Qingcong secretly laughed...

It's really rare that she can still see Young Master Xiao's aggrieved and depressed appearance!

In the past, she was always beaten to death by him with all kinds of studies. Although he was also doing it for her, it didn't feel good to be forced to go to the battlefield!

Therefore, she always felt depressed in her heart, and hated and loved him at the same time.

Sometimes when she gets angry and hates, she really wants to bite him to death.

Now, she finally got the chance and came back with revenge.

Hahahahaha, this feeling is really cool!So cool!awesome! ! !

If Young Master Xiao knew what was going on in her heart, he would definitely howl, you little heartless thing, I was treating you wholeheartedly, even if other people wanted me to take a second look, I wouldn't Not happy, I value you so much, but you still don't appreciate it, and now you have to find a way to take revenge on me and torture me!It's so heartless!

(End of this chapter)

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