Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 218: The Great Prize That Wishes Come True!

Chapter 218: The Great Prize That Wishes Come True!
After finishing speaking, Shen Qingcong winked at Xiao Chifeng.

Xiao Chifeng understood immediately, and nodded to her, "Okay, you go!"

Shen Qingcong went to the bedroom on the second floor, locked the door, drew the curtains, and then stepped into the space excitedly.

Xiao Baiyan had been waiting for her to come in from the space.

Seeing Shen Qingcong right now, he immediately flew towards her, "Host, take a quick look, the space is much bigger..."

Shen Qingcong raised her eyes and took a look.

Sure enough, the space that had been developed by her to a great extent now has many, many more places, and it has become much more empty. If the space before was as big as a small town, then the space that has been upgraded to tenth level now The space is as big as two small towns.

Shen Qingcong was very happy, the upgrade was successful, so her lake can continue to expand?
She tried to use her mental power to expand Lianhu further...

Really can!
This time, she doubled the size of Lianhu Lake, and only then did she exhaust her mental power.

Shen Qingcong quickly filled up some spiritual spring water and drank it.

Her physical strength was restored in an instant, and Shen Qingcong soon became active again.

With a flash of thought, she arrived in front of the trading platform.

Having drawn so many prizes, Shen Qingcong is already familiar with the steps of the lottery draw.

She quickly called up the lottery drawing interface, and directly pressed on the [Start] button in the middle of the lottery roulette.

The lottery roulette began to spin, turning faster and faster, turning faster and faster...

After an unknown number of turns, the lottery roulette stopped, and one of the grids emitted a bright silver-white light.

A gift box shining with white light appeared in front of Shen Qingcong out of thin air.

Shen Qingcong raised her eyes and saw that it turned out to be a spirit mountain with a spirit stone mine, which was a full three thousand mu in size.

Shen Qingcong suddenly smiled and narrowed her eyes.

It really is a prize!It's the grand prize for her wishes to come true!Hahaha……

The lottery master of the system really understands her mind more and more. She feels like she can give whatever she wants. It's really great!
Xiao Baiyan's eyes widened in surprise when he saw that Shen Qingcong had extracted a [-]-acre spirit mountain with a spirit stone mine that even monks could recognize.

He looked sideways at the happy host, and couldn't help but secretly guess in his heart, this host is really not simple, there must be someone in the upper world covering her, otherwise, how could her space development be so smooth?

Look at that Shen Qing, that little stupid fairy, and that genius Peter Pan in the technological world, how could they have the chance to get these spiritual springs, spiritual lands and spiritual mountains!

At most, they just got some small gifts, and only his host had such unfathomable luck.

Seeing that Shen Qingcong was still laughing foolishly there, Xiao Baiyan reached out and poked Shen Qingcong's face, "Host, you're back to your senses, you're back to your senses..."

Shen Qingcong turned to look at him, looked at him in a daze and asked, "What's the matter? Xiao Yanyan, do you have anything to say?"

Xiao Baiyan rolled her eyes at her, "Hurry up and accept the gift! What are you doing there?"

Shen Qingcong hurriedly clicked the [Confirm] button to accept the gift.

I saw a mountain flying out of the gift box and flying directly to the enlarged open space after the upgrade. In the blink of an eye, a spiritual mountain surrounded by fairy mist was formed.

The name of this spiritual mountain also appeared in Shen Qingcong's mind, which was "Juling Mountain".

(End of this chapter)

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