Chapter 234 The Dream Baby

At that time, their Bai family will become Tang monk meat in the cultivation world, and everyone will want to come up and take a bite until their Bai family is divided up.

The old ancestor was like a big mountain, pressing on top of his head, giving him endless pressure.

But the ancestors are also like a mountain, standing there firmly, guarding their Bai family.

Bai Xingfeng understands the truth that one prospers all, one loses all. How could he not care about Bai Xichun's matter?
It was also for this reason that Bai Xingfeng cared so much about the good news that his precious daughter Bai Zhi got.

Amulets and storage rings are not that important to them.

But Juling Pill is full of temptation for them.

Juling Pill, as the name suggests, is a panacea that can gather spiritual power.

As for the cultivators who want to advance and break through, apart from the aura of heaven and earth, the fastest shortcut is to gather spiritual power to break through and upgrade through Spirit Gathering Pills.

For Bai Xichun, who is desperately eager to prolong his life, advance and break through, the Gathering Spirit Pill is his dream treasure!

As long as there are many spirit-gathering pills, he can advance to the next level. Even if he fails to advance, his life span can be extended to 300 years old, and he will have more than 20 years to live.

If they can spend more than 20 years, they can continue to look for treasures and opportunities for breakthrough or advancement.

If he, Bai Xichun, deserved to die, he might have found such a great opportunity to advance!
After Bai Xichun listened to Bai Xingfeng's report, he, who had never been able to retreat, got up immediately, followed Bai Xingfeng to the main courtyard, and released Bai Zhi from the hypnosis.

Bai Xichun's current Yuanshen cultivation base is about the same as Shen Qingcong's mental strength cultivation base.

With a little effort, he solved Bai Zhi's hypnotism.

As soon as Bai Zhi's hypnotism was solved, she showed her true colors, and knelt down directly to her ancestors and parents, with a look of grievance, and begged with tears streaming down her face, "Ancestors, father, mother, you must help me!" Zhi'er is in charge!"

"Get up and talk!"

With a wave of Bai Xichun's hand, an invisible spiritual force supported Bai Zhi who was kneeling on the ground.

Bai Zhi stood neatly in front of her family's ancestors, her red eyes wiping her tears, in the eyes of her relatives, she was indeed very pitiful, especially arousing pity.

The ancestor sitting at the top softened his eyes, and waved his hand at her, "Don't cry, Zhi'er, sit down first, and tell me everything you saw, heard, and happened in the Azure Dragon Club." Things, tell me again from the beginning.”


Bai Zhi told Bai Xichun one by one how she knew Xiao Chifeng, how she liked him, how she got into the Blue Dragon Society, and finally because of Shen Qingcong's appearance, she wanted to kill Yan Ting and Shen Qingcong and replace them.

Finally, she said that the jade slips for body protection, storage rings and spirit gathering pills appeared in the auction.

After she found out about it, she immediately reported it to her father.

She was also trying to figure out a way to get these three treasures, but she never expected that the fact that she had killed Yan Ting and Shen Qingcong before was exposed, and that's why Shen Qingcong hypnotized her and kicked her out of the Azure Dragon Society.

Hearing what she said, Bai Xichun frowned two gray eyebrows, and asked in a deep voice, "Zhi'er, you still haven't figured out who made these three treasures, have you?"

(End of this chapter)

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