Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 238 He Will Not Hurt Shallots

Chapter 238 He Will Not Hurt Shallots

Bai Zhengfeng was blushed by his son's unceremonious and sharp accusations. In his anger, he slapped the table vigorously, glared at Bai Xiangyang, and shouted, "Bai Xiangyang, you are too presumptuous! Who taught you?" Did you talk to the elders like that?"

Bai Xiangyang smiled sadly, "Father, you have taught me since I was a child that to be a kind person, you must know what is benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trust, and what is gentleness, thrift and respect. I have always kept it in my heart and dare not forget it." But your current behavior runs counter to the creed that educated me. Dad, why is this?"

When Bai Zhengfeng heard his son's words, the anger in his heart suddenly dissipated.

He looked at his son's immature face with a hint of sunshine and righteousness, and suddenly sighed softly, "Yang'er, the world is not only black or white, but there is also a gray area. Although our family is a little Money, but there are many more people who are richer and more powerful than us. Our family is backed by the mountain of the Bai family, a family of cultivation. Since we have obtained the convenience it gives, we must serve it. The owner is now There are orders, can we not obey?"

Bai Xiangyang asked again, "If I don't obey, what will be the consequences?"

Bai Zhengfeng sneered coldly, "What consequences? What other consequences can there be? Of course, we will be expelled from the Bai family, and then send someone over to take our place, so that our family can become ordinary people. Not only will you no longer be able to live a luxurious life like now, but you will also have to look at the faces of more people. If it were you, how would you choose?"

For a while, Bai Xiangyang couldn't think of words to refute.

He is also asking himself, if it were him, how would he choose?

If this time, he doesn't accept the mission sent by the family, will the head of the family send someone else to approach Qing Cong?
If someone else goes, will it bring danger to Shallot?

Well, since he has no way to change this fact, then he will go!

At least, he won't hurt shallots.

At least, he can also help Qingcong avoid the potential crisis brought by the Bai family.

As soon as Bai Xiangyang thought of this, he nodded to Bai Zhengfeng, "Okay! I'll go!"

When Bai Zhengfeng heard that his son was willing to go, he immediately laughed happily, "You child, I wish I had said so earlier! Then you go to prepare. You will fly to Southern Xinjiang tomorrow morning, and there will be someone to meet you when you arrive. You, you can take the helicopter to Qingya Mansion in the Delta, and I will send Shen Qingcong's address and mobile phone number to your mobile phone, and you will keep it."

After Bai Xiangyang received the message, he opened it to take a look, and silently wrote down Qing Cong's address in his heart.

Her mobile phone number has not changed, it is still the same as before.

He always kept it in his heart, but he never dared to call her. He always felt ashamed of her and ashamed to see her.

This time, he finally had a good excuse and a good opportunity to go find her again and see her again.

Then what should he say when he saw her first?
"Scallion, why are you here?"

"Scallion, what a coincidence!"

"Song Cong, it's really great to meet you here!"

No, it seems that no matter how you say it is wrong, it seems that no matter how you say it, he cannot express his excitement and excitement...

In the end, Bai Xiangyang didn't know how he got out of the study, and returned to the bedroom in a daze. He was still thinking about the scene of meeting Qing Cong, tossing and turning all night, unable to fall asleep.

Early the next morning, Bai Xiangyang got on the plane to the southern Xinjiang with the excitement of running towards Lush.

(End of this chapter)

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