Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 271 When something goes wrong, there must be a demon

Chapter 271 When something goes wrong, there must be a demon

Between Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong, Li's richest man used the method of exclusion again, eliminating the possibility that Xiao Chifeng is an outsider.

The final target of Li's richest man was determined to be Shen Qingcong.

This little girl from an ordinary background has caused a lot of controversy ever since she became Xiao Chifeng's quasi-princess.

Everyone was wondering and wondering, how could a girl like Shen Qingcong, who was born as a commoner, be able to get into the eyes of Xiao Chifeng and the royal family?She even got the president to come forward in person, held a press conference for her, and officially announced her identity to the public.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

The richest man Li stared at Shen Qingcong for a while, and found that this girl is not only very perfect and beautiful, but also exudes a clean and ethereal aura, and her affinity is also very strong, which will attract you to think involuntarily. To get close to her, to surround her, and even to surrender to her.

That's right, it should be her!
This seemingly ordinary girl is the real "outsider" hidden behind the scenes!

Thinking of the last time he relied on his old age to call others "little girl", Li Shoufu felt a little hot on his old face.

He took a deep breath of air, suppressed the excitement and shame in his heart, and then, holding a glass of red wine, he walked towards Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong.

"President Xiao, Miss Shen, long time no see."

When Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong saw that it was the richest man Li, they also stood up and raised their wine glasses to him, "Old Li, long time no see! Please take a seat!"

"thanks, thanks!"

The richest man Li sat down next to Xiao Chifeng. He, who was old and mature, didn't show any intention of rushing to make friends with Shen Qingcong, but chatted with them casually.

It was only when they chatted enthusiastically with each other that the richest man Li sent an invitation to Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong, "The 29th of this month is my birthday, and I would like to invite Mr. Xiao and Ms. Shen to attend my birthday dinner. I wonder if Mr. Xiao and Ms. Shen can do it Appreciation?"

Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong looked at each other, and Xiao Chifeng replied, "It is our honor to be invited by Mr. Li. I will go there sometime. However, it is not convenient for Congcong to leave Delta recently, so I can only say something to Mr. Li. Sorry!"

Although Li Shoufu was a little disappointed in his heart, the smile on his face was still sincere and friendly, "It's okay, it's okay, Mr. Xiao can come, it's already a big face, if Miss Shen has a chance in the future, let's get together again, even if Miss Shen If I can’t go to the Hong Kong government, my old man can come here! Isn’t it? If I remember correctly, next month the Qinglong Group will hold an auction of jade and jade jewelry, right?”

Yan Ting smiled and said, "Yes, Mr. Li, you remember correctly! Next month we will have an auction of jade and jade jewelry, and the richest man Li will be invited to come!"

Li Shoufu repeatedly nodded and smiled, "Of course I want to come, I must come, if I miss such a grand event, I will definitely regret it, hahaha..."

At this moment, Shuilong came in and reported to Yan Ting, "President, there is a professor named Michael outside who said he came to see you, and I hope you can welcome him."

"Professor Michael?"

After Yan Ting read the name once, he immediately remembered who he was, the director of the International Institute of Biogenetics, and he was also a top expert in the field of international biogenetics.

How did he find here?

(End of this chapter)

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