Chapter 275 What a Big Appetite

Professor Michael took out a long-prepared cooperation report from the black briefcase he was carrying, and handed it to Yan Ting with both hands respectfully.

Yan Ting took it and opened it to see that the content of the first document was to buy out the book.

It says: WS company is willing to pay 5 million euros to buy out all kinds of energy-containing meat products produced by Qinglong Group, as well as high-quality foods such as Dali fruit, life oral liquid, beauty oral liquid and so on. After the termination, Qinglong Group shall not sell these products to anyone else, otherwise it will be regarded as a breach of contract.

Want to buy out for 5 million euros?
Haha, they really think highly of themselves.

They thought that 5 million euros was a lot, and they felt that they had paid a big price. Just now, Professor Michael said that they would be tempted to see it!

It's a pity that they still haven't seen how bright and bright these products will be after they are fully developed. They want to buy them out for just 5 million euros, and they think it's a lot of money, oh shit!
They obviously also expected that Yan Ting might not agree to this deal.

Therefore, they also prepared a second contract, which is a plan for cooperation between the two parties.

It said: WS company is willing to provide the necessary funds and related management and staff, and Jueweifang will provide raw materials to help Jueweifang develop vigorously in country X.

When Yan Ting saw this, he directly despised them in his heart.

The people of country X really have a big appetite, and they want to split it [-]-[-]?
Hehe, I didn’t see how good-hearted Prince Dibo and the richest man are in their work. They don’t want money and they drag them to open a branch. You still want a [-]-[-] split, so go ahead and dream about it!
Professor Michael has been observing Yan Ting's reaction.

Seeing Yan Ting's face darken at this time, Professor Michael's heart skipped a beat and he felt uneasy instantly.

He looked at Yan Ting cautiously, and asked tentatively, "President Yan, what's your opinion after reading this plan? No matter what opinion you have, you can raise it, and we will try our best to cooperate. "

Yan Ting sent the plan back to Professor Michael, and then said with an apologetic face, "I'm really sorry! Professor Michael, we are very grateful to Chairman Warren for his attention and love to us, and we are also very grateful. I want to develop the big market of country X, but unfortunately, our products are very limited now, and we are not yet able to develop the market of country X, so I can only say sorry to you, when the opportunity is ripe, we Let's cooperate again!"

When Professor Michael heard this, his face was filled with disappointment.

Thinking of Warren's repeated instructions before his departure, as well as the direct threat, Professor Michael said eagerly, "No, no, President Yan, don't refuse so quickly, listen to me, Warren Chairman Lun has repeatedly emphasized that if you disagree with his plan, it doesn't matter, he can let you provide a method of cooperation between the two sides, and you can also let you agree on the conditions!"

Yan Ting put on a thoughtful expression, and then said to Professor Michael, "Sorry, I can't make the decision on this matter alone. We have to discuss it before making a decision."

Professor Michael immediately asked again, "I don't know how long it will take President Yan to discuss and give us a clear answer?"

 PS: Thank you し°微①つ, Hongzhu Qianying, and Wane WanE for your rewards.
(End of this chapter)

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