Chapter 280 Her Dignity and Pride

After Meng Yu returned home, she told her parents about the matter, and her parents also strongly supported her joining Qinglong Group.

When Shen Qingcong received a call from Meng Yu to confirm her intention to join the job, she also felt that it was expected.

Such a good opportunity, if Meng Yu doesn't know how to seize it, it would be too stupid.

However, Meng Yu's feedback was faster than she expected. Only two hours after she left Jueweifang, Meng Yu confirmed with her that she was going to work in Qinglong Group , it seems that she is also a woman who does things simply and neatly.

After Shen Qingcong told Yan Ting to handle Meng Yu's matter, she temporarily ignored it.

She first asked Yan Ting to inspect Meng Yu for a period of time, and if Meng Yu passed their test, then she would transfer Meng Yu to her side to work.

After the opening banquet of Jueweifang ended, Prince Dibo, the richest man Li and others left in private jets.

At this moment, Shen Qingcong's thoughts were all on Xiao Chifeng.

Xiao Chifeng, who has been with her for more than a week, is finally leaving for China today under the repeated urging of President Xiao.

Shen Qingcong was very reluctant to let go, hugged him, and didn't want him to go.

Xiao Chifeng was also reluctant to leave.

However, he had a heavy responsibility and had to go.

This time, he was able to steal some free time to accompany her, which was already a special kindness from his father.

He can't push his feet, really annoyed my father, next time his old man won't grant him leave, what should I do?
The two stayed in the room for a long time, and then reluctantly walked out.

Before boarding the plane, Shen Qingcong told Xiao Chifeng again and again, "After you go back, use that dragon blood to refine your body, just use one drop, don't use too much, the energy will explode, you know ?"

Xiao Chifeng looked at her helplessly, "I know, you've said it several times, okay, go back quickly, I'm going to get on the plane, go back there, I'll call you."

Seeing that he was about to leave, Shen Qingcong's eyes turned red instantly, and said with a choked voice, "Okay, take care!"

Xiao Chifeng nodded vigorously, saw that her eyes were red, and felt distressed, put his arm around her waist, and kissed her forehead fiercely, "Hey, I'll come and see you when I'm free, if possible , I still hope that you can go back with me, Congcong, I am really worried that you are here alone."

Shen Qingcong saw the worry on his face, and he didn't know how many times he said the same thing in her ear these days.

Of course she knew Xiao Chifeng's worry was that he was far away, and if something happened to her, he would be beyond his reach.

But she also has her pride and dignity.

She didn't want her to marry her son now, and go back secretly under Xiao's mother's white eyes and sarcasm.

What she hopes is that one day she will be able to return home in style and glory.

Now that her career kingdom has started, she believes that it won't be long before her career kingdom will be famous all over the world.

At that time, she also stood at the peak of the human world, alongside the kings at the top of the pyramid, and might even surpass them.

She has a high enough status, Xiao Chifeng's difficult mother, will she still despise her background?

And only then will it be her return date.

Shen Qingcong watched Xiao Chifeng step by step onto the plane.

After Xiao Chifeng got on the plane, he stood at the cabin door again and waved vigorously at her.

(End of this chapter)

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