Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 284 Let's see what kind of tricks he plays

Chapter 284 Let's see what kind of tricks he plays

The black limousine finally stopped in front of the villa where Shen Qingcong lived after going through several checkpoints.

Shuilong and Huolong got out of the car first, and Shuilong opened the car door for Shen Qingcong, and said respectfully, "Sister-in-law, get out of the car!"

Shen Qingcong got out of the car and ordered Shuilong, "Bring this child in, both of you, and let him live in the guest room on the first floor..."

When Ouyang Feiyi heard her call him "child", his heart, liver and lungs throbbed violently.

He is obviously a handsome and invincible handsome man, so why does he become a child in her eyes?

This feeling of being looked down upon by others really makes this little devil really upset!

Shuilong was thinking about taking this troublesome boy to another place for guarding, when he heard what Shen Qingcong said, he immediately said in surprise, "Sister-in-law, you live in this villa, and an outsider lives here. , if they have any purpose, if something happens to you, how can we afford it!"

Shen Qingcong said with a smile, "The more dangerous a person is, the more he must be kept under the nose to be safe, don't you think?"

When Shuilong and Huolong heard what Shen Qingcong said, and looked at the smile on her face, no matter how they looked at it, they felt like a little fox was calculating.

They turned their eyes to the boy who was still leaning against the passenger seat, and their hearts were full of sympathy. They wondered what kind of test and torture this boy would endure from his sister-in-law?
People who also sensed Shen Qingcong's malicious intentions were the Devil Fourth Young Master.

He is the one who likes to "play" the most. When he heard Shen Qingcong say, "The more dangerous a person is, the safer he is to be kept under his nose." premonition.

But at the same time, this little devil felt a sense of excitement and anticipation.

He really wanted to see how smart this Shen Qingcong was?What methods will be used to deal with him?
Well, only if the opponent is smart enough, he will be interested in playing!

If you really want to play it, it will be delicious!

Shuilong and Huolong put Ouyang Feiyi into the guest room on the first floor, and told Aunt Zeng to take care of him.

Then, the two guys came together in front of Shen Qingcong who was resting in the living room.

Shuilong said flatteringly, "Sister-in-law, look, how unsafe it is to have an outsider in your house! How about this, Huolong and I live on the first floor these days, so we can help you look after him, how about it?" ?”

In fact, their purpose of living here is to look at people, and more importantly, they want to eat and drink here in a legitimate way.

Now brothers, who doesn't know that sister-in-law's tasks are all fat jobs that everyone is fighting for.

As long as they help the sister-in-law to do things, and the sister-in-law leaks a little good stuff from her fingers, that's enough for them to enjoy.

Shen Qingcong didn't reject their offer, nodded and smiled, "Okay, you can live next door to him, if you need anything, please tell me in time."

Seeing that Shen Qingcong agreed so easily, Shuilong and Huolong immediately nodded happily, "Yes, yes, we understand, we understand, hehehe..."

In fact, Shen Qingcong has Xiao Baiyan, a system elf, to help monitor the surroundings. Even if the water dragon and fire dragon are not here, Ouyang Feiyi can't do anything under the nose of the system.

She just doesn't want to disappoint them.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is a strange man in this villa. If Young Master Xiao finds out, there will be another wave of jealousy, and then he will find a chance to "clean up" her in a legitimate way.

On this point, Shen Qingcong was not wrong.

When Xiao Chifeng, who was in the Huatian Empire, received a report from his brothers that Shen Qingcong's villa lived in a man who was very, very, very good-looking, he instantly lost his temper!

(End of this chapter)

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