Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 289 Quickly marry her to the Zhang family!

Chapter 289 Hurry up and marry her home!
Why did their hair all turn black in the blink of an eye?

And their faces seem to be more than ten years old!
Is it really the credit of the spirit wine?
They only drank a few sips of wine, and they can actually look younger by 20 or [-] years?

This effect is too heaven-defying, too amazing, right?

Just after the two old people finished marveling, they both felt a burst of abdominal pain, "Oh, my stomach hurts, it's convenient to go..."

After they finished their convenience, they found that there was another layer of dirty and smelly sweat on their bodies, and they started the second round of bathing again.

After the second round of bathing, their stomachs hurt again...

Fortunately, there is more than one bathroom in this house. The two elders were in different bathrooms. Between bathing and convenience, they tossed back and forth for nearly an hour. After almost 70 years of toxins accumulated in their bodies were exhausted, they felt relaxed and relaxed. Came out refreshed.

Grandpa Xiao looked at his precious grandson who was still drinking tea leisurely in the living room, waiting for them to come back, and laughed loudly, "Stinky boy, take a look, take a look, is this old man 20 years younger?"

Xiao Chifeng raised his eyes and looked over, looked at the old man with black hair and a smile on his face, and nodded with a smile, "Yes, old man, congratulations, you look so much younger than 20 years old now!"

Grandma Xiao also came over at this time, and also asked Xiao Chifeng with a smile, "Little Chichi, take a look at grandma, isn't grandma also young?"

Xiao Chifeng coaxed her with a smile, "Yes, my precious grandma has turned into a great beauty now."

Grandma Xiao glared at him, but her heart was full of joy, and the smile on her face couldn't be concealed, "Oh, the effect of this spirit wine is simply against the sky! Little Chichi, hurry up with me!" Tell me, how did our granddaughter-in-law make this wine? Is there any more spirit wine?"

When it came to business, Xiao Chifeng waved to the guards and auntie who had been watching, "I want to talk to grandpa and grandma, you go down first!"


Watching them recede, Xiao Chifeng used his mental strength to block other people's visits.

Only then did he say to Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao, "Grandpa, grandma, to tell you the truth, Luong Cong's background looks ordinary, but in fact, she is a disciple of a sect of cultivating immortals in the world."



Seeing the shocked faces of the two elders, Xiao Chifeng nodded, and continued, "She can not only refine spirit wine with heaven-defying effects, but also use fairy magic to cure diseases, like those heaven-defying wines in Delta Jueweifang. The spiritual food that contains energy all comes from her hands, her skills, grandson will really be endless..."

The more Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao heard, the more shocked they became, they couldn't even close their mouths.

But when they thought that this capable little guy was the future granddaughter-in-law of their family, the two elders couldn't help feeling happy and surprised.

Mr. Xiao couldn't wait to snatch Shen Qingcong home directly.

He stared fixedly at Xiao Chifeng, and asked with a puzzled expression, "Then why don't you hurry up and marry Congcong?"

Grandma Xiao was also puzzled, "That's right, Xiao Chichi, since Xiao Congcong is so good and capable, why don't you hurry up and marry her back home? Aren't you afraid that she will be snatched away by others?"

Xiao Chifeng said helplessly, "It's not that I don't want to marry, it's that she doesn't want to marry!"

(End of this chapter)

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