Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 297 Give You the Most Romantic Marriage Proposal

Chapter 297 Give You the Most Romantic Marriage Proposal

Xiao Chifeng waited there for a long time, but he didn't wait for Shen Qingcong's answer. He also became anxious, "Songcong, Congcong, why don't you talk? Did I say something wrong? If I said something wrong, I apologize, okay? good?"

Seeing that he was really in a hurry, Shen Qingcong hurriedly replied, "No, you are right, I was just thinking, would it be too casual to just accept you like this? It seems that I am in a hurry to catch up It's like marrying you, um, I have to think about it, think about it..."

"Hey, my little ancestor, what else is there to think about? We are destined to be a natural pair, a perfect pair, right? Besides, it's not that you are rushing to marry me, but I'm in a hurry to marry you, my little ancestor, just promise me! Promise me! Promise me!"

Shen Qingcong was teased by him and burst out laughing.

Unexpectedly, in order to persuade her, Xiao Chifeng would also have a day of eloquence. His eloquence is quite good!Look at what this said, one set of one set, it is really touching!
It's just that the proposal on the phone seems to lack a little sincerity!

Thinking of this, Shen Qingcong's eyes suddenly lit up.

She said just now that there seemed to be something missing, but now she remembered that, at the beginning, she had said that one day, she would ask the Xiao family to ask her to marry her.

According to the customs of their Huatian Empire, since the members of their Xiao family agreed to their marriage, they should come to their door to offer a job, right?
As soon as Shen Qingcong mentioned this condition, Xiao Chifeng didn't even think about it, and immediately made a decision, "This is what should be done, even if you don't say it, we will do it. I propose to you first, mainly because I want to win you first." If you agree, only if you agree, I will let the elders come to the door again and personally offer you an offer to marry me!"

When Shen Qingcong heard it, it turned out that he was already prepared.

She immediately responded with a smile, "That's fine! Since you have already made preparations, let's settle this matter first. But, isn't it too casual for you to propose to me on the phone like this? No sincerity!"

Xiao Chifeng chuckled, "Oh, my wife, what kind of marriage proposal do you want? As long as you can name it, I will do it!"

Shen Qingcong laughed at him, "If you want to do what I want, what kind of romance and surprises can you give me? Of course, you have to use your own brain to think about such a good thing!"

Xiao Chifeng didn't say anything else, and immediately responded, patted his chest, "All right, let me think about it, you wait for me for two days! After two days, I will give you the most romantic marriage proposal, and I promise to make you happy .”

Shen Qingcong smiled sweetly, "Then I will wait for the romance and surprise you give me!"

Xiao Chifeng also smiled, "Okay, I'll get ready now, you have to be good! Wait for me!"

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Chifeng went to his staff to plan the details of the proposal.

When Xiao Chifeng was dizzy with busy work, Shen Qingcong was safely raising her baby and practicing in the Qinglong villa area, waiting for what kind of surprise and romance Xiao Chifeng would bring her?

As for the monstrous Ouyang Feiyi who wanted to break into Shen Qingcong's interior with a bitter trick, under Xiao Chifeng's simple and rude direct order, as soon as he woke up, he was escorted by Jinlong and others out of the Qinglong Villa area. not to him.

But would Ouyang Feiyi give up so easily?
 PS: There are still 2 chapters tonight. Dear friends, if you still have recommendation tickets in hand, hurry up and vote~

(End of this chapter)

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