Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 306 Xiao Chifeng's Worries

Chapter 306 Xiao Chifeng's Worries
After Shen Qingcong fully understood the power and loveliness of wood-type spells, she liked this spell very much. She began to practice hard and wanted to advance quickly.

If she really has to meet those who don't have eyesight, then she can use her ability of picking leaves and flying flowers to intimidate them. When she thinks of the scene where she can clean up the scum, Shen Qingcong feels very passionate and motivated!

But when you really practice, the process of cultivation is very boring.

Shen Qingcong sat cross-legged in the Lingquan pool, her whole body was soaked in the Lingquan water except her head which was still on the pool water.

The rich spiritual energy contained in the Lingquan water quickly penetrated through the pores of her whole body when Shen Qingcong used the wood-type mental method, flowed into her veins, and finally condensed in her body bit by bit. Dan Tianli.

One week, two weeks, three weeks...

This is how Shen Qingcong worked tirelessly and repeatedly.

Her dantian is also like a storage device. The more and more spiritual energy is stored, the more it is stored, and with the blessing of the time flow in the spiritual spring pool and the spiritual energy of the spiritual spring water, her cultivation base is also soaring rapidly.

From the previous third level of Qi Refining, he broke through into the fourth, fifth, and sixth levels of Qi Refining, and reached the seventh level of Qi Refining in one breath, and then gradually slowed down.

When Shen Qingcong was obsessed with cultivation and didn't know how long the time would be, Xiao Chifeng and Yan Ting outside were also busy preparing for a marriage proposal.

In order for Shen Qingcong to have an unforgettable, romantic, and surprising marriage proposal, Xiao Chifeng and a group of staff racked their brains and tried countless ways before finally deciding on a more perfect plan.

Now that everything is ready, it depends on whether the heroine of this proposal scene will buy him or not.

Xiao Chifeng, who had always been calm and composed, couldn't help becoming nervous at this moment.

He was worried, what if Congcong was not satisfied and refused to agree to his marriage proposal?
When he told Yan Ting about this worry, Yan Ting laughed at him directly, "Boss, you are in chaos, and based on the plan you made, I can guarantee that 90.00% of all women will My heart is moving, and I will agree to marry you!"

Xiao Chifeng kicked it over, "90.00% of all women will be moved. Why do I want so many women to be moved? I only care about whether Congcong will be moved and whether she will agree to marry me!"

Yan Ting waved his hand to beg for mercy with a wry smile, "Come on, come on, boss, you can rest assured! I promise you, if sister-in-law doesn't agree to your marriage proposal tonight, then brothers will support you until sister-in-law agrees to marry you." As long as I give it to you, this is the boss, right?"

As Yan Ting said, he looked at Xiao Chifeng with a serious face and giggled.

Xiao Chifeng was annoyed by his laughter, kicked him over again, and cursed violently, "You're laughing! Didn't you see that the young master is annoyed? Is it itchy? Do you want to fight?"

As soon as Yan Ting heard that Xiao Chifeng wanted to fight with him, he quickly stepped aside and shouted at Xiao Chifeng, "Boss, it's almost time, get ready, I'm going up to call my sister-in-law!"

Xiao Chifeng waved at him with disgust, "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Yan Ting ran into the villa with a smile.

As soon as he entered the lobby of the villa, he saw Aunt Zeng sitting in the lobby, knitting a small sweater while watching TV, guarding there, waiting for Shen Qingcong to leave the customs at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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