Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 308 Good things are interrupted

Chapter 308 Good things are interrupted

Following Xiao Chifeng's loud roar, dazzling fireworks suddenly bloomed in the surrounding sky.

These beautiful and gorgeous fireworks also interweave a row of words that can't help but move in the sky. It is still the simple and pure sentence--wife, please marry me! ! !

Shen Qingcong didn't know how Xiao Chifeng arranged a marriage proposal scene that made her so surprised, excited, and happy in such a short period of time, but she knew that he put his heart into it!

He gave his whole being, his whole heart, all his love, all to one person.

This person is her - Shen Qingcong.

At such a moving moment, there was a sudden roar and applause all around, "Marry him! Marry him! Marry him!!!"

Shen Qingcong smiled and stretched out her hand towards Xiao Chifeng.

Xiao Chifeng grasped it tightly, and gently put the wedding ring, which represented his eternal love, on her ring finger.

From then on, her life was trapped, and his life was also trapped.

From then on, they will join hands to tide over the ups and downs in the world.

From then on, they will spend one spring and one autumn after another, ushering in one anniversary after another of their proposal.

Xiao Chifeng felt the happiness he had never experienced before...

He stood up, hugged Shen Qingcong, aimed at her lips, and kissed her deeply.

There were bursts of applause from all around, and the roar of wolves, "Boss, one more kiss, one more kiss, one more kiss..."

Shen Qingcong only kissed him once, then pushed him away in shame.

The good thing was interrupted, Xiao Chifeng gritted his teeth and secretly hated these little bastards for their ignorance.

At this time, isn't it time for you to retire?Why are all of them so blind and still staying here to disturb their good business?

Xiao Chifeng took Shen Qingcong's hand, "Let's go! Let's go back to the house, ignore them, and let them play by themselves."

Shen Qingcong responded with a sweet smile, "Okay."

In this life, she really felt very happy to have this man by her side.

She said silently in her heart, "Ah Chi, we will be happy!"

Back in the lobby of the villa, Aunt Zeng greeted her with a smile, "Congratulations, sir, congratulations, madame, I wish you all the best of luck, forever together, and an early son!"

Xiao Chifeng was very happy today, and smiled at Aunt Zeng, "Thank you for your good words, Aunt Zeng, let's go upstairs to talk about something, you should go to bed early!"

For this romantic proposal, Xiao Chifeng specially chose the evening to propose.

Only at night can a dreamlike starry sky be arranged, as well as the dazzling fireworks in the sky, and the connection between two hearts lit by candles underground.

Fortunately, she agreed to his marriage proposal, and the painstaking efforts of him and his brothers were not in vain.

After the two entered the bedroom, Xiao Chifeng hugged Shen Qingcong and kissed again and again.

After being close enough, he talked to Shen Qingcong about the family's opinion on their marriage, and then asked Shen Qingcong, "Songcong, when do you think it's good for our family to come and give gifts?"

Shen Qingcong thought of her unreliable father, and asked hesitantly, "Are they going to come here to offer gifts?"

Xiao Chifeng nodded as a matter of course, "Of course, where else would you go? Do you want us to send this betrothal gift to your hometown?"

Shen Qingcong immediately shook her head, "Of course not! I was just thinking, this matter, after all, is a major marriage matter, if my father is not present, I don't know, it always feels bad, but when I think of my excellent stepmother, I feel anxious again ..."

(End of this chapter)

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