Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 312 Fake scene, want to plant

Chapter 312 Fake scene, want to plant
But in the houses in their compound, every house is equipped with a particularly strong anti-theft door on the outside, and there is also a wooden door inside, which is a double-layer protection model.

It is still not easy for them to open this door in a short time.

Zhuo Ming said, "I'm going to find some guys to knock on the door."

After a while, Zhuo Ming found a jack.

He looked at Mr. Hong and said, "Mr. Hong, then I'm going to smash it!"

Mr. Hong nodded, "Smash it! Smash it! I'll take care of it!"

Zhuo Ming habitually answered "Yes", picked up the jack, pointed at the locked door, and began to smash it hard.




The loud slamming sound of the door seemed to smash into the hearts of Liang Sisi's family of three, which made their hearts beat faster, their faces turned pale, and they were covered in cold sweat.

Liang Sisi pondered for a while, and a trace of determination suddenly flashed in her eyes.

She reached out and stroked her son Liang Han's head, and said softly to him and Liang Lu, "Han Han, Lu Lu, listen to Mom, remember, when those people come in later, if they ask about you, just say , it was Shen Daqiang who suddenly went crazy and wanted to kill us with a knife, we accidentally knocked him down for self-defense."


After Liang Sisi finished speaking, no matter how shocked her children's reaction was, she thought, she had to finish the scene of the crime quickly before Mr. Hong and the others broke down the anti-theft door.

Liang Sisi quickly walked into the kitchen, wrapped a common kitchen knife with a rag, and then swiftly stuffed the kitchen knife into the hand of Shen Daqiang who was lying on the ground, creating the illusion that he was killing people with a knife.

What made Liang Han and Liang Lu even more dumbfounded was that, in order to fake the reality of the scene, Liang Sisi bumped her head against the wall by herself, causing her head to bleed.

With her bleeding head on her head, Liang Sisi calmly confessed to the two brothers and sisters, "Remember what mom said just now, you must be steady. Shen Daqiang went crazy today. The behavior of our family of three is self-defense, it's self-defense. , do you understand?"

Liang Han and Liang Lu nodded their heads in panic, "Understood, I understand..."

The moment the door of their house was smashed open, Liang Sisi quickly fell to the ground.

Liang Han and Liang Lu really deserved to be Liang Sisi's son and daughter. The brother and sister also reacted quickly, threw themselves on Liang Sisi's body, and howled loudly.

"Mom, mom, what's wrong with you?"

"Mom, wake up! Mom, mom, mom..."

The heart-piercing cries of the two brothers and sisters were like those whose parents had died.

As for Mr. Hong and the others who kicked open the door and rushed in, when they saw the two adults lying on the ground, and the scene was bloody and horrible, they were all frightened and stopped in their tracks.

Someone wanted to step forward to check, but Hong Laomeng stretched out his hand to stop him.

The old man looked around the scene, and a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes, "Wait a minute!"

Mr. Hong quickly took out his mobile phone, and in a very professional manner, he took a lot of photos in succession.

After leaving the evidence, Hong Lao quickly walked to Shen Daqiang's side, and stretched out his hand to explore his main artery.

When he couldn't feel Shen Daqiang's obvious pulse, Hong Lao's heart trembled.

With trembling hands again, he put his hand under Shen Daqiang's nose, and tried his breathing again...

(End of this chapter)

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