Chapter 321
The person who led the team to his house was the interim director of the West Street Police Station, who was Shen Daqiang's former right-hand man --- Shen Fei.

But at this moment, Shen Fei no longer had the smiling face he used to.

He stared at Li Chenggong and Liang Minmin seriously, and said directly to their husband and wife, "Last night, your brother-in-law Shen Daqiang was killed at home. Your sister and your two nephews were suspected of murder. Your sister escaped. We now I am chasing your sister all over the city, and now I just want to ask you, has your sister ever been to your place? Do you know where she went?"

As soon as Liang Minmin heard that Shen Daqiang was dead, or that her sister and nephew might have killed her, her legs gave way and she fell to the ground, her face as white as paper.

Li Chenggong was also so frightened that his legs went weak, and he cursed inwardly: Damn, before he thought something must have happened to Liang Sisi coming over in the middle of the night, but he didn't expect that it was a big deal, something dead!
Once Shen Daqiang died and Liang Sisi fled again, their family's business would probably be greatly affected, and it was very likely that they would die together with their family!

Li Chenggong hurriedly said with a smile, "She did come before, but it was received by my wife. I don't know what they said. Later, she left. That's all I know."

Shen Fei asked again, "What kind of clothes was she wearing at that time?"

Li Chenggong replied, "It's a nurse's attire. At that time, I laughed at her. Are you going to change your career to become a nurse? She will return to me and discuss with my wife. She will drive me back to sleep, and I will go back to the house." Now, you can ask my wife for specific matters."

Shen Fei looked at Liang Minmin who was still sitting on the ground in a daze, walked up to her, squatted down halfway, faced her face to face, and asked directly, "Liang Minmin, to be honest, what time did your sister come to see you?" What did I tell you? You must tell everything bit by bit. If you don’t tell the truth, then you have committed the crime of covering up and you will be arrested.”

When she heard that she would be arrested if she didn't confess, Liang Minmin trembled in fright, and quickly confessed, "My sister came here at about [-]:[-] in the morning. I asked her if something happened. She said, yes Shen Daqiang offended someone, and now he wants to use money to clear up the relationship, and asked me to give her the money she had saved with me before, and give her some clothes I wore. She didn't tell me that her brother-in-law died at the time, Seeing her anxious face, I gave her the money and clothes, and she didn't keep much, just took the things and left."

Shen Fei asked again, "Is it all in cash that she left with you?"

Liang Minmin replied, "Yes, it's [-] cash in a black backpack."

Shen Fei continued to ask, "Then when she left, was she still wearing a nurse's uniform?"

Liang Minmin replied again: "No, when she came, she was wearing a nurse's uniform. When she left, she was wearing a floral shirt, a pair of black pants, and a pair of flat-heeled black pants. leather shoes."

Liang Sisi's figure is about the same as Liang Minmin's. In the past, Liang Sisi often liked to buy clothes, but she got tired of wearing them a few times, so she gave them to Liang Minmin.

This time when she came to her door, Liang Minmin returned some of the clothes she had worn before and took them away.

Shen Fei asked again, "Did she tell you where she is going?"

(End of this chapter)

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