Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 324 The Crown Prince Loves the Crown Princess Very Much

Chapter 324 The Crown Prince Loves the Crown Princess Very Much

Shen Qingcong smiled faintly at him, "Take me to meet Liang Lu!"


Zhao Dayang led the way with a respectful face, "Crown Princess, please come this way!"

Liang Lu was locked in the interrogation room next to Liang Han.

There were also two male national police officers sitting inside, interrogating her.

When they heard the door knock, the two male national policemen stood up and saluted Director Zhao and Mayor Ma, "Hello Mayor Ma, hello Director Zhao!"

Zhao Dayang waved to them, "Go out first!"


Liang Lu felt someone coming in, and she raised her drooping head.

She was obviously terrified inside, but she pretended to be strong, pretending to be a queen, raised her chin, and glanced contemptuously at the visitor.

But when she saw clearly that the person who came was Shen Qingcong, Liang Lu stood up excitedly just like his brother's reaction, and all the pretense collapsed in an instant.

She cried loudly at Shen Qingcong, "Sister, save me quickly, save me, I'm not guilty, I didn't kill anyone, I don't want to stay here, save me quickly, you can definitely rescue me Yes, right? Right? Woooooooo..."

Shen Qingcong couldn't help but sneer in her heart when she saw her embarrassed face from crying.

If I knew this earlier, why bother?

Shen Qingcong didn't speak, but raised her hand and waved it back slightly.

Mayor Ma and Director Zhao tactfully led their men back out.

They went back to the monitoring room and watched Liang Lu's situation on the monitoring screen.

Shen Qingcong gracefully sat across from Liang Lu, and looked at Liang Lu quietly like this. When Liang Lu and her looked at each other, Shen Qingcong used mental hypnosis.

Seeing that Liang Lu's eyes had begun to fade away, Shen Qingcong asked softly, "Liang Lu, who killed Shen Daqiang?"

Liang Lu replied obediently, "It's brother, brother hit him on the head with a stool."

Shen Qingcong confirmed again, "Is the brother you mentioned, Liang Han?"

Liang Lu replied, "Yes, it's Liang Han."

Mayor Ma, Director Zhao and the others who were watching Shen Qingcong questioning in the monitoring room couldn't help secretly praising Shen Qingcong in their hearts. She really knows how to question and get evidence!

Even the criminal investigation captain Zhan Ye who was standing on one side couldn't help but say, "This princess looks really complicated! Director Zhao, look, we've been interrogating for so long, this Liang Han and Liang Lu They didn't change their words, but as soon as they met this princess, they all responded obediently and honestly. If you look at their facial expressions and eyes, they are a little numb. This princess...she knows Hypnotism?"

Director Zhao carefully looked at Liang Lu's expression and eyes again, and nodded to agree with his opinion, "It should be, otherwise, Liang Han and Liang Lu would not plead guilty so easily, at least they would have to spend some time with us , they will confess."

Zhan Ye looked at Shen Qingcong, who had a calm expression and looks as beautiful as a fairy, and said with a smile, "This crown princess really has both wisdom and beauty! Look, our crown prince has been standing beside her all the time. By her side, she looks like silently guarding her, presumably the crown prince must love the crown princess very much."

Mayor Ma listened amusedly, "Zhan Ye, think about it, if it was you, you met such a beautiful woman with such a smart mind, would you fall in love with her?"

When Zhan Ye was about to answer "yes", he suddenly found that the prince Xiao Chifeng, who was clearly in the interrogation room, suddenly looked back coldly, and then gave them a cold look.

His eyes were cold, with a hint of stern warning.

(End of this chapter)

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