Chapter 333 Mother's Relic 1
Even though she had already had a premonition in her heart, Shen Qingcong still felt a sharp pain in her heart when she saw the result.

It turned out that Shen Daqiang was really not her father!

Then where is her biological father?

The most gentle and beautiful mother in her memory, why did she separate from her biological father?

Doesn't he know that their mother and daughter are here?Or, he knew it, but completely ignored it, and didn't care about their mother and daughter's life or death?
A lot of unsolvable mysteries and problems emerged one after another in Shen Qingcong's mind.

Just then, there was another knock on their door.

Xiao Chifeng glanced at Shen Qingcong, who was leaning on the sofa and frowning in thought, and shouted, "Please come in!"

The door opened, and the person who came in was Mayor Ma, Ma Chuanyang.

Behind Mayor Ma, there is another person, Zhao Dayang, the director of the Municipal Bureau.

In Zhao Dayang's hand, he was still holding a big box.

Mayor Ma first stepped forward and explained, "Prince, Princess, the contents of this box were discovered by Bureau Zhao when cleaning up the relics in Mr. Shen Daqiang's office. We found that they were some of Mr. Shen Daqiang's personal belongings, so we boldly Send it up, let's see how the Crown Princess will deal with these relics?"

After finishing speaking, Mayor Ma hinted that Zhao Dayang quickly put the box in front of Shen Qingcong.

Shen Qingcong sat up straight, and nodded to them, "Thank you, Mayor Ma, and Director Zhao, let's put the things here first, and I'll take a look at them later. By the way, did you catch that Liang Sisi?"

When it comes to the woman Liang Sisi, Mayor Ma and Director Zhao both have a headache.

This woman is too cunning!

Now that the control is so tight, they have searched every corner of the city, but they still can't find her, and they don't know where she is hiding?
The matter that the crown prince and princess concubine told them, they haven't done well until now, Zhao Dayang feels a little ashamed to see them.

At this time, when he heard the question from the Crown Princess, Zhao Dayang was in a cold sweat, and replied with some embarrassment, "I'm sorry! Now, we have notified the national police departments in nearby counties and cities to help hunt down Liang Sisi, and we will report to the Crown Princess as soon as there is news."

Xiao Chifeng snorted coldly, really dissatisfied with their efficiency.

He ordered in a deep voice, "Give Liang Sisi's portrait to the major TV stations, and let them broadcast Liang Sisi's arrest warrant 24 hours a day. Make sure to bring her back to me in the shortest possible time! Within a week, If I can't see Liang Sisi's people, you two don't need to wear the black hats on your heads!"

Hearing Xiao Chifeng's last shout full of cold and murderous anger, the hearts of Ma Chuanyang and Zhao Dayang both trembled.

The prince is angry, what should they do?
They just nodded and bowed their heads to admit their mistakes, admitted that they were not doing well, and then hurried down to work!
After they left, Shen Qingcong went to search for the belongings in Shen Daqiang's office.

She turned around and saw a very delicately carved wooden box with a lock hanging on it.

Shen Qingcong asked Xiao Chifeng, "Achi, can you unlock this lock?"


Xiao Chifeng didn't even look for a tool, he stretched out his hand and twisted it, and unscrewed the small lock.

Shen Qingcong opened the box and looked, her eyes widened...

 PS: September is a severe patient with severe rhinitis. Old friends know that I caught a cold twice in three days, and I caught a cold again today. My mental state is a bit bad, and I have been unable to write. There is another update, I will write slowly Dear friends, don’t worry~~~ As the saying goes: 1 minute on stage, [-] years of work off stage, I who write [-] words in an hour, write [-] to [-] words a day, basically it takes a day, dear friends, hurry up What's more, I understand very well, but some readers made rude and cursing words when urging updates. After reading those comments, September will be kind and embarrassing. It's a bit too much.Thank you so much for your support, enthusiastic votes, and rewards, thank you!group~
(End of this chapter)

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