Chapter 344 The Truth Comes Out
But in her heart, there are still a few big questions.

The first point, the master of the hall, why didn't he come to find his mother and her?
The second point, did the Lord Palace Master not know that his mother was still alive before, did he always think that his mother was dead?
The third point, if he thought his mother was dead, did he not know that he still had a daughter like her?
I am afraid that she will know the answers to these mysteries only after she finds the Lord Palace Master.

After Xiao Chifeng saw Shen Qingcong closed the diary, he meditated for a long time without disturbing her.

It wasn't until she raised her eyes and looked at him that he asked aloud, "Congcong, is your life experience written in your mother's diary?"

Shen Qingcong nodded, "It's all written, I'm too lazy to talk about it, you should take a look too!"

"Okay." Xiao Chifeng didn't pretend to refuse. Since Qing Cong let him see, it means that he can see these.

Shen Qingcong closed her eyes, and according to the description in her mother's diary, she began to sketch the images of those beautiful palace masters in her mind.

Seeing how her mother worshiped the Hall Master, to be honest, she really became curious about this Hall Master, and really wanted to see if this Hall Master was as beautiful as her mother described?
But, how can she find this Lord Palace Master?
Will this Lord Palace Master believe what she said?
If he doesn't believe it, is she going to drag him to do a paternity test?
Shen Qingcong couldn't help but chuckle when she thought of the man who was dragged away by her.

Xiao Chifeng raised his eyes to look at her, saw her smiling with her eyes closed, and didn't know what she thought of, so happy?
It seems that her mother's diary really set her free.

Xiao Chifeng also breathed a sigh of relief.

When he finished reading the diary, Shen Qingcong just opened his eyes.

She sighed softly, "Achi, do you think that the fate of my mother and I are actually quite similar? Look, I have a stepmother, step-sister, and step-brother who treat me badly, and my mother also has the same fate." A father, aunt, concubine and concubine treat her badly, we are really mother and daughter, our fates are so similar..."

Xiao Chifeng corrected her words with a dissatisfied expression, "You should have said that, your beginnings are very similar, but your endings are different."

Shen Qingcong stopped him in an instant, leaned on him, and said with a sweet smile, "Yes, I am covered by Young Master Xiao, so naturally I won't be like my mother. I will live a happy life, and with my mother's With that one piece of happiness, I will live with two pieces of happiness.”

Then, she sighed again, "Actually, after I read my mother's diary, I felt sorry for Mr. Shen. I remember that before my mother left, he was really good to me. We are a family of three. I am also very happy, but after my mother left, he treated me..."

"Look at what was written in my mother's diary. At the beginning, Mr. Shen swore in front of my mother that he would treat me well, but in the end, he broke his promise. Therefore, when he married Liang Sisi, he also married Liang Sisi. It didn't end well, alas..."

After knowing that Shen Daqiang is not her biological father, Shen Qingcong can no longer say the word "father", and calling him by his name is too disrespectful, so she can only call him "Mr. ", it feels more appropriate.

Shen Qingcong suddenly asked Xiao Chifeng again, "Achi, tell me, Mr. Shen loved my mother so much back then, why did he marry Liang Sisi again? Is it because of loneliness?"

(End of this chapter)

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