Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 347 Liang Sisi's Retribution

Chapter 347 Liang Sisi's Retribution
He's under a lot of pressure!
Naturally, he had to quickly find a way to get rid of her wife as soon as possible, so as to save his father from making trouble for him in the future.

However, she didn't mean to make things difficult for him when she asked the Xiao family to ask for marriage.

It's just that there are some words, since they were said at the beginning, they must be done!

At this step, she can't back down!
Once she gives in so easily, she will be inferior to others when she enters the Xiao family.

The dispute between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has existed since ancient times.

She didn't intend to make trouble for others, but she also didn't want others to come to make trouble for her every now and then, making herself tired of coping, and letting her husband get caught in the middle, making it difficult to be a good person.

If the daughter-in-law's status is high, the mother-in-law will naturally dare not take Joe in front of her.

The more snobbish the mother-in-law is, the stronger you are, the more she will know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Maybe, when you become stronger, this mother-in-law will flatter her daughter-in-law in turn.

If you are weak, you will only be trampled upon.

If you are strong, you can have the weight and right to speak.

The law of the jungle is the same no matter which dynasty it is in. This is the cruelest reality and the cruelest law of survival.

Shen Qingcong's consolation could only comfort Xiao Chifeng a little, but it couldn't make him feel at ease.

He still made up his mind, once this matter is resolved, he will return to Beijing to obtain the certificate immediately.

Xiao Chifeng felt a little annoyed at the thought that Liang Sisi hadn't been caught yet. Why are these people so incompetent?Can't even catch a woman?Really mad at him!All his good deeds were disturbed.

Just as he was thinking about it, the hasty knock on the door sounded again.

Xiao Chifeng was overjoyed, could it be that there is good news?

He quickly raised his voice and shouted, "Come in!"

Mayor Ma stepped in and reported directly to Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong, "Prince, Princess, there was a car accident on Huaxin Road in the city center, and a woman was killed. According to our feedback after confirmation by our staff The news is that the woman who died is Liang Sisi."

Shen Qingcong immediately sat up straight and exclaimed, "Liang Sisi is dead too? Are you sure?"

Mayor Ma nodded, "We have done a detailed comparison and are sure she is Liang Sisi."

Shen Qingcong sneered slightly, "Then she is really relieved! The couple are deeply in love, and they are close to death, so they can go on the road together. By the way, why did Liang Sisi suddenly get into a car accident?"

Mayor Ma replied, "From the surveillance video we have called out, Liang Sisi disguised herself as a beggar and escaped our investigation, but it may be because she was nervous. When she came out, she was obviously looking left and right. A vehicle approaching at high speed on the road was hit and killed just like that.”

Shen Qingcong immediately asked again, "Did the video be sent to your phone?"

"It's posted, you can take a look!"

Mayor Ma immediately took out his mobile phone, quickly called up the video of Liang Sisi's accident, and handed it to Shen Qingcong to check.

After watching the video, Shen Qingcong was sure that Liang Sisi should have been an accident.

Is this her retribution?He thought about harming others all day long, and in the end, he himself was killed.

If it weren't for her acting as a demon in front of her, how could there be this result today?Cause and effect, cause and effect, no one can escape.

Xiao Chifeng also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Liang Sisi had finally died.

He immediately told Mayor Ma, "Mayor Ma, you and Director Zhao will immediately confirm the cause of Liang Sisi's death, and confirm the criminal evidence of Liang Han and Liang Lu, and hand it over to the procuratorate immediately, and they must be dealt with severely, do you understand? "

 PS: The sixth update is over, ask for tickets, please put it in the bookshelf for collection, and ask for five-star praise!group~
(End of this chapter)

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