Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 353 Young Master Xiao is also seductive

Chapter 353 Young Master Xiao is also seductive

It's just that recruits join the army every year, and the country can't absorb so many talents, so some veterans have to be discharged home or assigned to work in other places.

Maybe, the path she provided them would be better than their development in the army.

She has so many resources, as long as they are loyal to her, she can provide them with a bright future and let them have a more brilliant and exciting life.

After Shen Qingcong and Xiao Baiyan determined the general training plan, they changed their clothes and stepped out of the space.

She let go of her mental strength, and looked at the situation of the entire Wangfu Xiaojia, and saw that this place is also heavily guarded, and ordinary thieves cannot break in at all.

Xiao Chifeng was still dealing with official business with many staff in the conference room, and made one decision after another neatly.

Looking at Xiao Chifeng who was working seriously with a serious face, Shen Qingcong's heart was also warm.

Xiao Chifeng, who was immersed in his work, seemed to feel Shen Qingcong's peeping, and suddenly raised his eyes to look in her direction, then, pretending to be casual, he clasped his hands, nodded with his thumbs facing each other, and nodded again. point.

Shen Qingcong naturally understood the meaning of his gesture, which was to tell her that after returning, he would play and kiss her.

Being teased so imperceptibly by him, Shen Qingcong chuckled suddenly.

This man is so boring!It's hard for him to think of such a provocative action!

After Shen Qingcong finished laughing, she looked away.

After being teased by Shen Qingcong, Xiao Chifeng also thought about her, and was a little anxious to go back to hug his wife, and it was difficult to concentrate like before.

After he quickly settled the remaining matters with a sharp knife, he asked them to end the meeting quickly.

Xiao Chifeng quickly went back to the bedroom, and when he saw Shen Qingcong who was already sleeping on the bed, his heart instantly settled down, full of pampering affection.

He walked gently towards the bed, walked to the head of the bed, bowed his head and kissed Shen Qingcong.

At first he thought she was pretending to be asleep, but unexpectedly, she was really asleep, and she didn't wake up when he kissed her like this.

Xiao Chifeng took his clothes, went into the bathroom, took a shower, and then came to sleep with her.

Holding her delicate and soft body in his arms, Xiao Chifeng felt that the whole world was complete.

When the two woke up, it was already three or four o'clock in the afternoon.

Shen Qingcong stretched, and smiled at Xiao Chifeng who woke up before her, "Achi..."

Hearing her calling his name in a delicate voice, Xiao Chifeng felt that the fire in his heart was instantly aroused by her, and couldn't help but press her and kiss her again.

Shen Qingcong also accompanied him to make trouble, except for the last step that he couldn't do, he showed almost his whole body and kissed him.

Of course, in the end Xiao Chifeng had to take a cold shower again, hahaha...

Every time she saw him flee into the bathroom in embarrassment to set fire, Shen Qingcong would gloat and smile...

Young Master Xiao listened to her delicate laughter, it was full of resentment, he gritted his teeth secretly, and swore in his heart, little rascal, just laugh, after you give birth, I see if you can still laugh, snort……

After Xiao Chifeng came out after turning down the fire in the bathroom, Shen Qingcong told him about her future design and talent training plan.

After Xiao Chifeng heard it, he said in a deep voice, "This is a good thing. You are sharing worries for the country and solving problems for the people. I absolutely support it and will support it vigorously. Don't worry, this manpower is on me. Oh , By the way, Congcong, I have already told my family that tomorrow grandpa, grandma, and my father and mother will come here in person to propose to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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