Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 361 The Xiao family hired and asked to marry 4

Chapter 361 The Xiao family hired and asked to marry 4
Shen Qingcong took the gift list and looked at it. The long string of product names dazzled the eyes.

Among them are antique calligraphy and paintings, jadeware, jewelry, bracelets, bracelets and other valuable betrothal gifts.

There are also some wedding cakes, three animals, mountain delicacies, seafood, Sijing fruit, four-color sugar, tea, sesame, fruit and so on, which have excellent meanings.

Finally, it was a bank card, which contained a large gift money, a full 10 billion Chinese coins, which meant "perfect".

Judging from this heavy gift list, Shen Qingcong has already fully felt the sincerity of the Xiao family's proposal to marry her.

Shen Qingcong raised her eyes and smiled at Grandma Xiao, "Grandma, these are enough. Seeing that you value me so much, I am very happy, really, very happy..."

At this moment, Shen Qingcong really had the feeling that hard work has paid off, and even his eyes were covered with mist.

Xiao Chifeng saw tears in her eyes, but a smile on her lips. His heart ached, and he couldn't help but hug her into his arms, and said to her softly, "Silly girl, don't be too moved, I will be by your side in the future." Around you, you are often touched, since you have no objection, shouldn't we go get a marriage certificate?"

Shen Qingcong gently pushed him away, and said with a smirk, "Do you need to be so anxious?"

Just when Xiao Chifeng was about to say that he was really in a hurry, Mrs. Xiao, a pig teammate, came out again to hold him back.

I just heard her say, "That's right, Chi, we haven't seen this lush parent before, what are you in a hurry for?"

After finishing speaking, she asked Qing Cong with a flattering smile, "Cong Cong, take a look, when will you arrange for our two families to meet?"

When Xiao Chifeng heard it, he felt bad!

What the hell is this pot, which pot can't be lifted!

When he was about to explain to his mother, Grandma Xiao had already fired at his mother in front of him.

"I'm talking about Yi Ling, are these Cong Cong's parents ordinary people? Don't you worry that after seeing A Chi, Cong Cong's elders will not agree to marry A Chi?"

"You yourself know best what is right? At the beginning, you still used this as an embarrassment for Qing Cong. Don't you worry that the elders of Qing Cong's family will also ask us in the same way? Don't forget, his elders , are not people from our secular world!"

Mrs. Xiao was scolded mercilessly by Grandma Xiao, her face turned red and pale, embarrassed and annoyed.

When she came back to her senses, she also cursed in her heart that she was really dizzy and said the wrong thing.

Zheng Yiling hurriedly apologized to Shen Qingcong, "Congcong, I'm sorry! I didn't think too much about it just now, so I said the wrong thing. I thought that the parents of the two families usually meet, but I forgot that your relatives are not in this secular world. Jie, I really don't mean anything else, don't get me wrong..."

Shen Qingcong smiled, "It's okay, it's okay, in fact, I also think that A Chi is too anxious, if I really want to talk about this matter, it is indeed better to wait for my father to personally agree, and then get a marriage certificate. It’s true that Ah Chi got the certificate a little bit on his own, if my father knew, he would definitely scold me. Ah Chi, otherwise, we’ll get the certificate later and wait until we see my father, how about it?”

Seeing the wicked smile in Shen Qingcong's eyes, Xiao Chifeng really wanted to drag his mother out and give her a good beating.

What he is most afraid of now is meeting Shen Qingcong's biological father!
He already had a strong premonition that if the Lord Palace Master knew that Shen Qingcong was marrying a mortal like him, he would definitely strongly prevent her from marrying him!Will!

(End of this chapter)

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