Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 371 Xiao Chifeng's Perfect Transformation

Chapter 371 Xiao Chifeng's Perfect Transformation
At this time, Xiao Chifeng, who was sitting cross-legged in the Dalingquan Pool, felt that after this drop of dragon's blood was injected into his whole body, it was like a drop of water falling into a frying pan, and the blood all over his body boiled.

Soon, he felt as if he had fallen into a fire, and every cell seemed to be on fire, causing his whole body to tingle, and his nerves trembled because of the pain that was so intense to the bone.

His body was also scorchingly hot, even the skin on the surface turned fiery red, and on that fiery red surface, a phantom of a dragon could be faintly seen.

Shen Qingcong, who had been paying attention to Xiao Chifeng all the time, was shocked when he saw this change in Xiao Chifeng.

She didn't dare to think about her husband any more, she just watched him with all her attention, for fear that he would explode because he couldn't bear the energy of the dragon's blood.

If this is really the case, then even if she was killed by a head-on blow, she would not be able to atone for this crime!

Fortunately, Shen Qingcong waited for a long time, and Xiao Chifeng's fiery red skin finally faded slowly, and soon returned to normal skin color.

Although on the surface, he looked the same as before, Shen Qingcong could clearly feel the huge changes inside his body.

Her Ah Chi has successfully transformed!

At this time, the energy and blood on his body became a hundred times stronger than before, and his physical body became stronger and more terrifying, and a strong and terrifying pressure faintly exuded from his whole body.

Judging from the strength and dominance of this drop of the blood of the dragon, Shen Qingcong can completely resemble it. How powerful will the Tyrannosaurus Rex who possesses the blood of the dragon be?I don't know how Queen Shen Qing tamed such a powerful Tyrannosaurus rex?
In the beastman world, perhaps only Queen Shen Qing would dare to take blood from the Tyrannosaurus Rex, right?
Moreover, she took out such a small bottle of dragon's blood and gave it to her at once. I am really grateful to her.

Shen Qingcong thought of Shen Qing's kindness to her since he met her, and couldn't help being extremely grateful again.

As for Xiao Chifeng, who was still in the Great Spirit Spring Pool, his understanding was deeper than that of Shen Qingcong, and he was even more shocked.

If he hadn't experienced it himself, who would believe that such a small drop of dragon blood can completely change and optimize a person's genes!

Xiao Chifeng now feels that his cultivation has completely entered another realm.

His perception of everything around him was more obvious and more subtle, and he could clearly see the loving appearance of two ferrets in the distance.

Seeing the two ferrets so affectionate, Xiao Chifeng also felt something strange in his body.

The physical skills of the Dragon Clan are the most powerful. For an existence like Tyrannosaurus Rex, even an atomic bomb cannot break through his physical defense.

And the transformed Xiao Chifeng, although not as powerful as Tyrannosaurus rex, is definitely the top existence among mortals.

The physical skills of the Dragon Clan are notoriously strong, but there is another feature that is also famous in the beast world, and that is the reproductive ability of the Dragon Clan.

Xiao Chifeng refined the blood of the dragon, not only his physical body became stronger, but his mental power became higher, and his ability also naturally improved greatly.

Xiao Chifeng groaned secretly, and was afraid that Qingcong would see his reaction, so he continued to close his eyes, continue to exercise his mind, and suppress the heat in his body.


PS: For the story of Shen Qing and Tyrannosaurus rex, watch the episode.

(End of this chapter)

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