Chapter 389 Dare to covet his wife?

In their minds, their layout today is so perfect and seamless, it will definitely be a success!They are waiting for the moment to harvest the results!
Shen Qingcong and Xiao Chifeng also arrived on time.

Ouyang Qianyuan's birthday dinner started at 55:[-], and they arrived at [-]:[-].

Ouyang Feiyi, who had been casually welcoming guests at the door with his elder brother, saw Shen Qingcong appear holding Xiao Chifeng's hand, his beautiful and enchanting phoenix eyes instantly flashed with splendor.

She is really beautiful today!
Ouyang Feiyi felt his heart beat violently, he could feel his heart beating.

Today's Shen Qingcong is wearing a V-neck beige high-waist evening dress, both sides of the shoulders can be studded with dazzling diamonds, shining charmingly under the light.

Her delicate face, as beautiful as white jade, is more three-dimensional, more charming, more refined and more beautiful under the background of sparkling diamonds.

Her eyebrows are picturesque, her eyes are shallow, and just a smile, in the eyes of others, is already better than thousands of stars, and only her delicate and sweet smile is left in her mind.

Ouyang Feiyi looked at Shen Qingcong obsessively.

For the first time in his life, he longed to have a woman so much, it was for a long time, instead of playing games like before!

Although Xiao Chifeng, who is held by Shen Qingcong, is also wearing a black handmade suit today, and he looks very handsome, very handsome, and his strong, tall and perfectly proportioned figure is even better than the first-line international male models. His appearance It could be called perfect, but Ouyang Feiyi automatically ignored the existence of Young Master Xiao.

He was even imagining in his mind the beautiful scene of Shen Qingcong holding his arm and leaning his head on his shoulder with a charming smile. Just thinking about it would make him fascinated!
How did Shen Qingcong know that Ouyang Feiyi was trying to imagine her out of thin air in his heart.

She just came to watch a good show today!

She just wanted to see how these old monkeys and young monkeys acted today.How were they going to lure her into a trap?
Seeing Ouyang Qianyuan's eldest son, Ouyang Feiyang, and his youngest son, Ouyang Feiyi, the monstrous evildoers came up to them together, Shen Qingcong remained calm.

She asked Xiao Chifeng to deal with all the external entertainment today.

And she just needs to stand quietly by his side.

Ouyang Feiyang is the leader of a certain army in the military headquarters of the imperial capital.

Naturally, he and Xiao Chifeng often deal with each other.

The relationship between the two families has been well maintained on the surface. The two families often invite people in the circle to sit together to eat, chat, hold some activities and parties, and contact the feelings of the people in the circle.

As mentioned earlier, the people of Ouyang's family have done a very good job of wooing people. Even President Xiao's many contacts have been set up by them, and some even wooed them. past.

At this time, as soon as Ouyang Feiyang saw Xiao Chifeng, he hurriedly greeted him with a smile, and said with a loud smile, "Brother Xiao, sister-in-law Xiao, welcome to your visit! It's an honor, an honor, please come inside!"

The reason why Ouyang Feiyang didn't call Xiao Chifeng "Prince" or Shen Qingcong "Prince Concubine", but only called them "Xiao brother" and "Xiao brother-in-law", was to get closer to them, and told them by the way People around them have been paying attention to them, the relationship between their Ouyang family and Xiao family is good, they are as warm as brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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