Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 400 The Sad Past of the Palace Master 3

Chapter 400 The Sad Past of the Palace Master 3
Princess Wen Qian's behavior also angered Shangxian Zhongli.

After Zhongli Shangxian rescued Si Kou Yu, he immediately laid a dark hand on Princess Wen Qian.

It was only later that Si Kou Yu found out that the Shangxian Zhongli had also been bullied by a savage girl back then, causing him to break his arm.

Later, he accidentally got the fairy fate, and when he reached the Nascent Soul Realm and could reshape his physical body, he reborn this arm.

Therefore, Shangxian Zhongli especially hates this kind of vicious woman who does whatever she wants, regardless of other people's wishes.

Si Kou Yu later heard that a year later, Princess Wen Qian died suddenly in the palace due to illness.

Si Kou Yu, who was lucky enough to be rescued, was also discovered by Shangxian Zhongli that he was a mutated and single ice spirit root, and he was shocked into heaven.

The old man didn't want to bury Si Kou Yu's outstanding talent in cultivation, so he asked Si Kou Yu if he would like to worship him as his teacher and join his sect?

At this time, Si Kou Yu's family had been destroyed, and he had nowhere to go, so he directly kowtowed to Shangxian Zhongli, and worshiped Shangxian Zhongli as his teacher on the spot.

Si Kou Yu followed Zhongli Shangxian to his cave in Zhongnan Mountain, and started a boring and boring cultivation life day after day.

In fact, he was really lucky to meet such a good master as Zhongli Shangxian.

He also has an outstanding talent that even Zhongli Shangxian was amazed by. After Si Kou Yu practiced, his cultivation base also made rapid progress. In just one year, Si Kou Yu succeeded in building his foundation.

At the age of 20, Si Kou Yu became the youngest Golden Core cultivator at that time.

At the age of 25, Si Kou Yu became the youngest Nascent Soul cultivator at that time.

At the age of 35, Si Kou Yu became the youngest cultivator at that time.

At the age of 50, Si Kou Yu has reached the stage of crossing the catastrophe.

At the age of 55, Si Kou Yu finally ascended to immortality.

But when he arrived in the fairy world, what made Si Kou Yu vomit blood was that his stunning face, which was so overwhelming, once again caused disaster for him, and he was once again attracted by Princess Siluo, the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven.

Si Kou Yu found out that he definitely had a grudge against the princess in his previous life!

Therefore, in his whole life, he will be tortured by one princess after another.

The former Princess Wen Qian caused Si Kou Yu to suffer from a disease called femininity.

His cultivation life for the past few decades was really cold-hearted, with no desires or desires. Even Zhongli Shangxian secretly sighed and said that Si Kou Yu was a genius born for cultivation!
With the lessons learned from Princess Wen Qian, this time, Si Kou Yu did not want to fall into a passive situation again.

After he entered the Immortal Realm, the first friend he made was Leng Qingjue, the chief executive of the Time and Space Administration.

Leng Qingjue is a native of the Immortal Realm, and his parents are extremely powerful immortal officials in the Immortal Realm.

Leng Qing must be regarded as the third generation of disciples among the immortal officials, with a very strong background.

And he and Si Kou Yu hit it off right away, and after talking happily, the two became sworn brothers, sharing weal and woe and adversity.

After Leng Qingjue knew about Si Kou Yu's embarrassment, he offered Si Kou Yu a suggestion to let Si Kou Yu join his Space-Time Management Bureau, and then applied to be transferred to another plane, so that he could avoid Princess Si Luo's entanglement.

Si Kou Yu also felt that this was a good idea, so he followed his suggestion and joined the Time and Space Administration of the Immortal Realm, becoming one of the little immortal officials.

Then, he asked to be transferred to the earth plane to become the time-space management fairy here.

However, he still underestimated the madness of a woman once she fell in love with a man.

Princess Si Luo originally wanted to use a soft policy towards Si Kou Yu, but Si Kou Yu refused to accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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