Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 403 The Sad Past of the Palace Master 6

Chapter 403 The Sad Past of the Palace Master 6
Si Kou Yu leaped onto the shore, he glanced at Princess Si Luo coldly, and then said to Leng Qingjue who came up to him, "Qingjue, do me a favor and take me back!"

Now all the spiritual power in his whole body is used to suppress the two energies of ice and fire. Fortunately, the two energies of ice and fire restrain each other to form a temporary balance. These two ice and fire energies were suppressed in the body, allowing them to stay in peace for the time being, and could not come out to make trouble again.

However, if these two ice and fire energies cannot be dispelled in time, they will still have a certain impact on him, and there will always be a hidden danger, which may cause a catastrophe one day when it erupts, and may even endanger his life life.

Leng Qingjue looked at his pale and powerless face, and asked worriedly, "Brother Si Kou, are you really alright?"

Si Kou Yu shook his head, and said softly, "I'm really fine! You take me back, and I'll be fine after a few days of breathing adjustment."

Leng Qingjue expressed his admiration for Si Kou Yu's ability to crawl out of such a ghostly place as the ice pool alive.

He hugged Si Kou Yu, and said to Princess Si Luo, "Go back and prepare a present, then come here to apologize, and I will take him away first."

After speaking, he cast a teleport and returned to the Space-Time Administration.

Si Kou Yu ascended to the Immortal Realm alone, and he had no family or sect, and no backer to rely on, so he temporarily lived in the cave distributed by the Space-Time Management Bureau and regarded it as his temporary home.

After Leng Qingjue sent him back to the cave, he used his spiritual power to sort out the inside of his body before discussing with him how to deal with Princess Siluo.

Si Kou Yu smiled coldly, "She is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, what else can I do?"

Leng Qingjue patted him lightly on the shoulder, and said comfortingly, "Brother Si Kou, don't worry! I will get justice for you in this matter, and I will report Ming Siluo's inappropriate behavior this time to the Emperor of Heaven. Let the Emperor of Heaven punish her heavily, but..."

Si Kou Yu raised his eyes lightly, and glanced at him, "But what? You want me to ignore it?"

Leng Qingjue scratched his head in embarrassment, and explained to him, "I'm not telling you not to worry about it, but after all, Siluo is the precious daughter of the Heavenly Emperor and the Queen of Heaven. If you insist on seeking justice, the Heavenly Emperor may forcefully Punish her, but your life will be difficult in the future."

"Anyway, he is the Emperor of Heaven after all, controlling the life and death of our immortals. Under appropriate circumstances, we should take a step back and forgive others."

"Besides, we can also take this opportunity to propose conditions to the Emperor of Heaven, so that Si Luo will stop pestering you, and let you go down to earth as soon as possible to be a patrol administrator and live the life you want. What do you think? "

Si Kou Yu was silent for a while, calmed down, and felt that Leng Qingjue's words made sense, "All right, I will do as you say, and you have contacts in this matter, so I will leave it to you!"

Leng Qingjue responded, "No problem, I am obliged to do this matter both public and private, don't worry, I will let the Emperor of Heaven give you proper compensation, and I will never lose you."

Si Kou Yu smiled faintly.

He doesn't care about compensation or anything.

This world is like this, whether it is in the mortal world or in the fairy world, they all follow the survival rules of "the strong respect, the weak prey on the strong".

Only when one's own strength is strong can one live a life of one's inclinations.

There is another saying that goes like this, it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

He is in the fairy world, that is Fengwei.

But if he was in the mortal world, he would be an immortal, and he could live a happy life as he wanted.


PS: After 30 changes, I am almost tired, monthly pass monthly pass, come quickly~
(End of this chapter)

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