Chapter 405
Si Kou Yu was really amused by this guy, and said to him in a helpless tone, "You, really... How old are you, and you are still as naughty as a child."

He stared at him coldly, with a good expression on his face that you don't understand me, "You are just a year older than me! But you are lifeless all day long, and you have no interest at all. I sacrificed myself to make you happy." Well, you still don’t appreciate me? Hey, brother Si Kou, to be honest, you recognized my younger brother, it’s really a big advantage!”

Si Kou Yu smiled shallowly, "Yes! If we can get a brother like Qingjue in this life, Si Kou Yu will die without regret."

When Leng Qingjue heard him say this, he was obviously moved, but he said unforgivingly, "Bah, bah, we are all big men, why are you saying such provocative things?"

Si Kou Yu smiled and said nothing.

Leng Qingjue coughed lightly, and began to talk to him about serious matters, "Brother Si Kou, that Heavenly Emperor has ordered me to arrange for you to descend to earth as soon as possible. Do you have anything else to deal with? Go and deal with it now!"

Si Kou Yu shook his head, "I have nothing to do, I can leave anytime, it depends on your arrangement."

Leng Qingjue smiled, "Alright then, when that girl Si Luo comes over and apologizes to you, let's run away after receiving the gift!"

Si Kou Yu responded with a smile, "Okay."

Leng Qingjue looked at Si Kou Yu, a gentleman with a gentle smile, like a spring breeze, and couldn't help but slander in his heart. It's really a beauty that misleads others. No wonder Princess Wenxi and Princess Siluo loved him so much. He, his natural, noble gentleman demeanor is indeed unmatched by many people.

Not long after, Princess Si Luo came over with a gift.

As the most beloved little daughter of the Emperor of Heaven and the Empress of Heaven, her elder sister and elder brothers also hold her in their hands and take care of her. Her personal family background is naturally very rich.

This time, in order to win Si Kou Yu's forgiveness and hope to have further progress with him in the future, Princess Si Luo gave half of her net worth to Si Kou Yu as an apology gift.

Si Kou Yu originally didn't want it.

But Leng Qingjue persuaded him, "Take it. When you go to the lower realm, it will be better to have these things for self-defense. What's more, your body is damaged and hidden dangers are left. No amount of things can be exchanged for it." , This is what Si Luo should pay, if you don't accept it, people will think you haven't forgiven her, don't they hold back all the energy to ask you to apologize and beg for forgiveness! Do you still want to be entangled by her?"

Hearing what Leng Qingjue said, Si Kou Yu accepted Princess Si Luo's apology.

The next day, accompanied by Leng Qingjue, he opened the road to the mortal world.

Si Kou Yu didn't expect that he would return to the embrace of the earth mother after only a few years in the fairy world.

After he settled down in Mortal Realm, he found Shangxian Zhongli again and explained the matter again.

Shangxian Zhongli didn't say anything, just sighed, let him stay here well, maybe it's better than that fairy world.

In this way, Si Kou Yu stayed on the earth and became the manager of the fairy world sent to the earth.

Afterwards, he created Si Kou Palace.

After more than 200 years of development, the disciples of Si Kou Dian have already spread all over the world secretly, hiding in the dark, supervising the world and balancing the development and order of the world.

And Si Kou Hall, because of his perfect inheritance and the power and mystery of the Hall Master, has also become a holy place that everyone in the cultivation world yearns for.

Later, it was a series of affairs that happened when Si Kou Yu met Nalan Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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