Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 413 Unlimited Pets Pets Pets

Chapter 413 Unlimited Pets Pets Pets

Si Kou Yu's smile was so pretty that Shen Qingcong was dazzled.

She stared at him without blinking, and murmured, "Daddy, you are so pretty!"

Si Kou Yu laughed loudly, "Are you praising yourself?"

It took a few seconds for Shen Qingcong to recall it.

She thought that she and the palace lord's father really looked alike, as if praising him, it was as if she was praising herself, and suddenly smiled, "Father, you are so humorous!"

The current Si Kou Yu seems to be more cheerful and smiles more than when she saw him yesterday, and he also lacks the cold, lonely and indifferent atmosphere all over his body.

In other words, the father of her family's palace lord has descended from a high-ranking immortal to a living mortal, and he has popularity!

Of course, that's only in front of her. In front of outsiders, our Lord Palace Master is still as noble and cold, as elegant as a fairy.

By the time Shen Qingcong and Si Kouyu finished talking, the body of Bai Xingfeng underground was also dragged down early in the morning and disposed of directly.

Shen Qingcong asked Si Kou Yu again, "Father, what should we do with Bai Zhi and Bai Jing? And the Bai family?"

Si Kou Yu gently squeezed her face, "Okay, don't worry so much, leave this matter to daddy, you, just be happy. Come, come with daddy, daddy has Good stuff for you!"

"What good stuff?"

"You come with me, or you will know."

Shen Qingcong followed Si Kou Yu to his bedroom. There was no decoration in the room, just like his temperament, simple and casual.

Si Kou Yu led her to the brocade couch next to her, and waved her hand.

A burst of purple light flashed, and Shen Qingcong saw a very beautiful and classic lavender palace dress, which was placed on the brocade couch.

Shen Qingcong is like most women, she also likes these fancy clothes and jewelry very much.

As soon as she saw such a beautiful dress, she couldn't help but stepped forward to check it out.

"Wow, it's really beautiful! Dad, did you prepare this for me?"

Si Kou Yu smiled and nodded, "Do you like it?"

Shen Qingcong nodded vigorously. When she picked up the skirt to look at it, she suddenly discovered that this skirt was even equipped with a defensive formation. Moreover, the material seemed to be very special, as slippery as silk, but looking at it But it's not silk, I don't know what it is, but it's definitely not something in the mortal world.

She looked at Si Kou Yu in surprise, and asked, "Father, what are these clothes made of? It seems very simple!"

Si Kouyu explained to her softly, "This is the Ziguang Baoyi. It is made of fairy silk. It is a low-grade fairy artifact. After you wear it, it will be invulnerable to fire and water, and invulnerable to weapons and guns. The defensive array can also emit purple light beams to attack the offensive array, and it can also change into your favorite style as you like, and it has a cleaning function."

Shen Qingcong's eyes widened, and finally she exclaimed, "Wow, with so many functions, it can be worn as a battle suit, so I can save money on clothes in the future?"

Si Kouyu patted her head lovingly, "If you like, you can buy clothes as you like. With your father around, you can buy whatever you want, and you can ask for whatever you want. By the way, there are This card is also for you!"

Si Kouyu handed over to Shen Qingcong a black diamond bank card specially issued by foreign RS Bank for nobles and super rich.

(End of this chapter)

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