Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 418 The Hall Master looks really deep!

Chapter 418 The Hall Master looks really deep!

So, when Prince Dibo opened his arms to hug Si Kou Yu, he dodged to the side with a teleport.

Prince Dibo's hug was in vain, he was stunned for a moment, and then laughed at himself mockingly at Shen Qingcong, "It seems that your lord doesn't like me!"

Shen Qingcong smiled lightly, "Prince Dibo, you are overthinking! My father is just cold-tempered. He is a reclusive person and doesn't like to contact people very much. Please forgive me!"

How could Prince Dibo dare to be angry with these unworldly experts, he quickly waved his hand at her, "It's okay, it's okay, let's go, I'll take you up first, and I'll treat you to dinner later."

Shen Qingcong nodded, "Okay, then I will trouble you."

Prince Dibo grinned with a mouthful of white teeth, "Sister-in-law, why are you being polite to me, I still need you to take care of me here in the future."

Shen Qingcong also nodded with a smile, "No problem."

Prince Dibo was afraid that Si Kou Yu and Leng Qingjue would be left out in the cold, so he smiled at them again, "Are the two seniors new to Dibo?"

Si Kou Yu glanced at him indifferently, looked at his face, and then asked indifferently, "Is King Dibo your biological father?"

Prince Dibo was a little surprised why Si Kou Yu asked this suddenly, but he still replied respectfully, "Yes! King Dibo is my father, but senior knows my father?"

He also just asked casually, but unexpectedly, Si Kou Yu really nodded, and also said to him coldly, "Go and tell your father that the lord is here, let him come to the office when he is free." Come and eat together."

Well?Lord Hall Master?Are you talking about himself?
Prince Dibo was stunned for a moment, but he saw that Si Kou Yu was full of immortality, with extraordinary temperament and elegance, he was definitely not an ordinary person.

Thinking about the tone he used when talking about his father, he felt that it was as casual as if the boss was summoning his subordinates.

Prince Dibo suddenly thought of the mysterious man from the east that his father had mentioned to him, his heart trembled immediately, and he quickly replied respectfully, "Yes, senior, I will call my father right now, please wait a moment!"

Prince Dibo really didn't dare to be negligent at all, his attitude towards Si Kou Yu was more respectful than that towards Shen Qingcong, even Shen Qingcong felt a little strange.

Judging from the tone of the palace lord's father just now, could it be that the old man also accepted this King Dibo as a younger brother?

If that's the case, then it's really an awesome wife!

Seeing that his father, the master of the palace, still had such a calm and aloof look, Shen Qingcong couldn't help secretly laughing in his heart.

Fortunately, her father didn't look like this in front of her, otherwise, she must be like everyone else, trembling with fright from his cold and scary aura.

Prince Dibo dialed the king's father's secret phone number, and said straight to the point, "Father, there is a hidden master from the East who claims to be the master of the palace. If you are free, please come and have dinner together." !"

On the other side of the palace, King Dibo, who was approving the documents with a pen in his hand, was so excited that he even dropped the pen in his hand when he heard the words, Lord Palace Master from the East.

"What did you say? The Lord Palace Master is here? Hahahaha, great, great, I'll go there right away, I'll go there right away..."

After finishing speaking, King Dibo hung up the phone in a hurry. He didn't even ask Prince Dibo where they were now.

(End of this chapter)

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