Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 421 Xiao Chifeng PKs the Noble and Glamorous Palace Master 1

Chapter 421 Xiao Chifeng PKs the Noble and Glamorous Palace Master 1
Shen Qingcong is used to eating delicious food by herself, so her mouth is also spoiled.

Now the things made in those restaurants outside may not be able to enter her mouth, she might as well make them herself, anyway, she likes cooking food.

Looking at the delicious food she makes can make her family and friends feel satisfied and happy, and she herself will be infected, and she will also have a sense of accomplishment and happiness.

Not long after, her Chi will be here too.

It was only after one night that she didn't see him, and she missed him.

I wonder if he misses her?

She is starting to prepare food now, and it will be ready to eat when he arrives.

Thinking of this, Shen Qingcong went straight into the big kitchen of the restaurant.

Leng Qingjue and Prince Dibo have been by her side all the time, even when she goes into the kitchen, even two men who usually don't do housework at all, follow Shen Qingcong's command and help her wash the vegetables!

At the strong request of Prince Dibo, Shen Qingcong made his favorite grilled lamb chops, grilled chicken, grilled wings, grilled meat kebabs, grilled fish, grilled shredded squid, grilled eggplant, grilled corn and so on.

Shen Qingcong specifically asked Leng Qingjue what he wanted to eat, and what Si Kou Yu particularly liked, and made a few more dishes that they liked.

The strong smell of meat made even Leng Qingjue, who had always lived in the fairy world, unable to hold back his saliva.

He felt that these meats and vegetables contained spiritual energy, and knew that it was the credit of the system space he gave to Shen Qingcong, but, to eat vegetables and meat grown in other people's system space, he was also a big girl. The bridal sedan chair -- the first time.

And Xiao Chifeng, who was missed by Shen Qingcong, was also thinking about her on the plane at this time.

When Shen Qingcong missed him, he sneezed violently.

He touched his tall nose, and immediately thought with a tacit understanding, could it be that Congcong is thinking of me?If yes, then he is so happy!
Thinking about Qing Cong all the way, wishing he could get to the destination sooner and see his dear wife sooner, Xiao Chifeng felt that the time passed really, really slowly.

He took out the picture of Lush from his close-fitting pocket again. While looking at her picture, he thought about the joy of being with her in his mind.

If you have a wife like this, what can your husband ask for?
After finally passing the time, their helicopter finally arrived at the destination, the Golden Hotel in the capital of Dibo.

Xiao Chifeng unleashed his mental power to sweep away, and found a few familiar breaths on the top floor.

But he still took out his mobile phone and called Prince Dibo, "I'm here, I'm downstairs. Well, you don't need to come down. I'll go to the royal suite first, put my things away, and then go straight up."

Prince Dibo thought of the lord who was still in the royal suite, and wanted to remind Xiao Chifeng, but Xiao Chifeng hung up the phone directly after finishing speaking, which made him helpless, and gloated in anticipation, wanting to see what he was like. How exciting would it be for a best friend who has always been awesome to compete with his noble and glamorous father-in-law?
Prince Dibo took the opportunity of peeing to talk to Shen Qingcong, and then secretly walked downstairs.

And when Xiao Chifeng went up to the royal suite, he was stopped by the king's guards, "I'm sorry! This place has been listed as a private forbidden area, please leave!"

Fortunately, Prince Dibo arrived in time, and said to the king's guards with a calm face, "Zhanan, this is a distinguished guest I arranged to live in the royal suite. Please pay attention to your attitude and don't be rude!"

(End of this chapter)

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