Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 426 Never Give Up!Never admit defeat!

Chapter 426 Never Give Up!Never admit defeat!
Lord Hall Master stopped talking here on purpose, just to see how Xiao Chifeng expressed his position.

Seeing Xiao Chifeng being so upbeat now, the old man's face softened.

But the master of the hall did not let him go, and continued to teach him in a deep voice, "Boy, today is just the beginning, if you want to be worthy of the green onion, if you want to walk with her, then you have to work hard, otherwise In other words, with Lush's talent and my training for her, she will throw you off sooner or later, or in other words, you will not be able to catch up with her sooner or later, and will be eliminated in advance by the law of human survival. You understand what I mean ?"

Xiao Chifeng nodded seriously, "I understand! Father-in-law, don't worry, for the sake of Congcong, I will do my best to improve myself. If one day I really don't want to make progress, my father-in-law can eliminate me at any time However, I will not give my father-in-law this chance!"

Hearing his confident words, Lord Hall Master snorted coldly and said, "If this is the case, that's the best. I hope you can say it and do it, and don't give up halfway! Otherwise, be careful of my whip!"

Hearing the ruthless words from Lord Hall Master, Xiao Chifeng grinned, "Thank you father-in-law."

For a Shangxian who doesn't pay attention to everything like Lord Palace Master, he is willing to support you, that is really your blessing, and he is willing to scold you, it is because he really puts you in his eyes.

Otherwise, people will give you a cold look, and they won't even bother to pay attention to you, let alone talk to him like now.

Although the father-in-law's words were a bit cruel, Xiao Chifeng knew that this was the truth.

If he really couldn't get into their circle, couldn't jump out of the range of mortals, then no matter how well maintained he was, he would only be around a hundred years old at most.

But Qingcong is already practicing immortality.

Moreover, she will be able to succeed in building the foundation immediately and officially enter the fairyland.

Furthermore, she has an immortal father like her father-in-law to escort her, so she will definitely enter the immortal path, and may even ascend to the immortal world.

If he can't change his destiny, can he really only stay with Congcong for this short hundred years?
No!He will never admit defeat!I will not accept my fate!
No matter if he wants to fight against people, immortals, or heaven, Xiao Chifeng will do his best, unless he dies, otherwise, no one can make him give up Qing Cong, don't let him succumb!

The master of the hall watched Xiao Chifeng's face constantly changing, and felt very refreshed in his heart. This kid, I'm afraid he feels uncomfortable now, right?
snort!Back then, your family all looked down on my precious daughter.

If I don't ask you for this debt for my daughter, I won't be called Si Kou!
After the rectification of Xiao Chifeng, the lord of the hall seems to have remembered at this time that there is still a King Dibo guarding him.

He raised his cold eyes and looked over coldly.

Sure enough, it was discovered that King Nadibo was still standing obediently in the corner beside him, waiting for the end of the battle between his son-in-law and his son-in-law.

The master of the palace was suddenly moved, and he waved to King Dibo.

When King Dibo saw that he had been guarding for a long time, the lord of the hall finally remembered him, and he couldn't help but shed a lot of lasagna tears in his heart. He walked over quickly, and asked with a respectful smile, "My lord, what are you doing?" What are your orders?"

The master of the hall directly took out a bottle of panacea from the storage ring and threw it to him, "This is your reward, do your job well!"

(End of this chapter)

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