Chapter 438 A collection of thousands of loves

Lord Hall Master and Si Kouyao don't care how much fun and fun there is outside. For them, the only important thing today is to watch Juewei Fang successfully open and make it a success.

If Si Kouyao hadn't insisted on coming to the opening ceremony, figures from the Immortal family like Lord Yidian and Leng Qingjue would never have appeared here.

Although the four of them seem to be headed by the Hall Master, in fact, the three of them dote on Si Kou Yao from the bottom of their hearts, and everything is based on Si Kou Yao's wishes.

She said what to do, and they would do it.

Si Kouyao also knew that they all doted on her, and she was very moved and felt very warm.

But her temperament is not someone who likes to mess around, she did have some stupid behaviors when she was young, but when she grew up, she never did anything wrong again.

She also has her own principles in how she behaves and does things, and she will never be spoiled and arrogant just because they love her.

Perhaps it was because she had lost them before, but now she cherishes them very much, and hopes that they can always be together happily and happily like they are now.

Lord Hall Master and Si Kou Yao sat at the top main table.

The decoration of this Jueweifang is very good, with rockery, flowing streams, and countless beautiful potted plants and plants dotted in it.

The seats for eating are also hidden. There are green belts between the positions of each table, so that people can eat, chat and talk leisurely in a comfortable, comfortable, and nature-like environment. .

Coupled with the intoxicating exotic food, Si Kou Yao believes that after those people eat it once, they will definitely come again.

Today's opening here, Prince Dibo has never deliberately advertised.

He just sent out some invitations to relatives of the royal family, his good friends, and the presidents of some big consortiums.

Prince Dio and oil tycoon Polatti were also guests they invited to the opening ceremony.

The two of them have nothing else but a lot of money!
King Dibo respectfully led them all the way to sit on the main seat, and then personally brewed spirit tea for them.

Of course, this spirit tea was also provided by Si Kou Yao, and the top spirit tea was only for her own people to drink.

Prince Dibo naturally also received this benefit.

Just as King Dibo poured tea for everyone, Prince Dio and oil tycoon Polatti came over.

Prince Dio warmly greeted King Dibo first, "Hello, brother, can I sit here?"

A main table has eight seats, King Dibo, Prince Dibo, Lord Hall Master, Leng Qingjue, Xiao Chifeng, and Si Kouyao.

Now it seems that there are indeed two more positions, but these two positions are not for others, but for the queen and another special child.

Therefore, King Dibo said to Dio with a straight face, "I'm sorry! Dio, there is no seat for you here, and your seat is over there."

King Dibo pointed to the table next to him, and said to Di Ao, "Go quickly! Don't block us here!"

When Di Ao saw that King Dibo didn't save him any face, and even drove him to another table, he immediately resented him.

But he still had a smile on his face, "Brother, why don't you introduce these distinguished guests to me? See you later, so I can call them easily!"

King Dibo saw that they were so ignorant, and he was afraid that the palace master would be angry, so he immediately shouted angrily, "Get out!"

 PS: Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket, dear friends, good night, see you in the daytime!

(End of this chapter)

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