Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 440 The Palace Master's Call

Chapter 440 The Palace Master's Call

The master of the palace smiled softly, "I gave you this for my father, isn't it just for your use, so there is no need to ask?"

Si Kou Yao pursed her lips and said coquettishly, "But I don't know them!"

The Lord of the Hall tapped his fingers on the table lightly, as if he was thinking about something, and then he said to Si Kouyao, "Well, since we are all here, let's call them all over and see you you."

When Si Kouyao thought that so many celebrities from all over the world would gather here, what a sensation it would cause!

She thought about it, but still rejected her father's kindness, "Dad, so many people called here, the battle was too big, I can't even imagine it, it's better not to, let's keep a low profile, When I really want to go to those places to develop, I will ask my father for help!"

The lord of the hall smiled slightly, and said dotingly, "Okay! Up to you!"

At this time, King Dibo, who had been sitting next to him and watched their father and daughter talking, interjected, "Miss, there is something that I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Si Kou Yao smiled sweetly at him, "Please tell me, Your Majesty."

King Dibo said with a smile, "In fact, people like us have always admired the demeanor of the Lord Hall Master. Every time, we always think that it would be nice to have the opportunity to meet the Lord Hall Master, but we always have no chance. , if they are able to receive the summoning of the Palace Master this time, they will surely be crazy with joy, and they will definitely not have any opinions. I have a deep understanding of this, and I can absolutely guarantee it!"

Lord Hall Master nodded, "It's true that I haven't seen them for a long time, Yao'er, what do you mean?"

Lord Hall Master looked at Si Kou Yao, waiting for her answer.

Si Kouyao thought about it again, although she also wanted to know them, but too many people came all at once, firstly, the impact was too great, and secondly, she couldn't digest it.

However, it is still possible to come with fewer people.

Therefore, Si Kouyao told the Hall Master about eleven countries and regions that she had plans to develop.

"Father, I may go to these places to develop in the future, Hong Kong Government, Australia Island, Ross Country, Bucky Country, New Zealand Country, Singapore Country, Puzhai Country, Laowo Country, Maya Country, Canada Country, American Empire, you Just call these people over and let me meet."

Without further ado, the Lord Hall Master immediately took out the special communicator he distributed to those people and entered a concise message.

"Tomorrow before twelve noon, the royal suite on the 58th floor of Dibo Country's Gold Hotel will have a party. Don't wait until it's time!"

There is no recipient information or sender information in this message. If others read it, they must be at a loss.

But they both know who the other is.

Then, the hall master sent a crowd.

In less than three seconds, the messengers of the Hall Master sent back responses one after another, and none of the representatives of eleven countries fell.

The Hall Master expressed his satisfaction with their reaction.

But the old man didn't know how excited, how excited, and how ecstatic the representatives of the eleven countries who received his message were.

Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, finally summoned them to have an audience!so happy!

The prime minister of a certain country, who was having a meeting with the congressmen, jumped up excitedly and yelled, which made the congressmen tense up in fright. They didn't know what happened, which made the prime minister scream excitedly. This look?
(End of this chapter)

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