Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 445 The Palace Master is Terrible!

Chapter 445 The Palace Master is Terrible!
"Let me introduce you first, this is my precious daughter——Si Kou Yao."

When the eleven representatives present heard the introduction from the Lord Palace Master, their eyes were instantly filled with disbelief.

Shouldn't she be called Shen Qingcong?
Why did she suddenly become Si Kou Yao again?
Is she Shen Qingcong?Or Si Kou Yao?
Are they twins?

The Lord of the Hall seemed to understand what was going on in their minds, and it was rare for him to patiently explain to them softly, "Back then, because of a mistake, my daughter was wandering in the mortal world and was adopted by a family surnamed Shen. So, her previous name was Shen Qingcong, but those things have passed, and I don't want to mention it again. From now on, she is my daughter——Si Kouyao. Do you understand?"

Eleven representatives and King Dibo quickly responded, "Understood!"

Then, they stood up in unison again, formally bowed to Si Kou Yao, "I've met the eldest lady!"

Si Kouyao also stood up, bowed slightly to them, and bowed back, "Si Kouyao has met you adults, and please take care of them in the future, thank you!"

Ye Cunxi, the governor of the Hong Kong government, immediately replied with a smile, "Miss is too polite, this is what we should do, welcome to visit our Hong Kong government when you are free, we will definitely do our best to let you play happy."

Si Kouyao smiled slightly, "Okay, at the end of the month, the richest man Li will celebrate his birthday, if I have time, I will definitely go, and I will also stop by to bother Mr. Fu when the time comes, is it alright?"

Mansion Ye laughed loudly, "Welcome, welcome, welcome without any obligation."

When the other representatives saw that Mrs. Ye had established a relationship with Si Kou Yao so quickly, they rushed to speak out and invited Si Kou Yao to go to their own country to have fun and have a look.

Si Kouyao also smiled politely and nodded one by one, saying that she would go and have a look when she was free.

These people's ears are sharp. Just now, the Palace Master emphatically emphasized, "This is his precious daughter!"

If they dare to neglect her, dare to offend her, it is no different from offending Lord Palace Master, they are purely courting death.

Now they also understand that the Master of the Palace has only one purpose for calling them here today, and that is to introduce Si Kouyao to them.

Just like their aristocratic families or royal families, each heir will be led by his elders to participate in various banquets and activities before he takes the throne, and introduce his future heir to old and new friends from all walks of life.

Presumably today's Lord Palace Master also meant the same thing, right?

Does that mean that Si Kou Yao will be their future master?

Just as this idea came to their minds, they heard the Lord Palace Master talking there again.

"Yao'er is my only blood, and she will also be the future master of our Si Kou Palace. Everything I have will be inherited by her. Therefore, when you see Yao'er in the future, it will be like seeing me , please continue to abide by the rules of Si Kou Dian, otherwise, you will know my tricks!"

After the master of the palace finished speaking, he deliberately released a mental coercion, which made them tremble with fear, and surrendered willingly.

Fortunately, the Lord Hall Master withdrew his coercion in time, and they secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Lord Hall Master is really scary!
Under the spiritual coercion of the Lord Hall Master, these people feel that they are really as small as ants.

(End of this chapter)

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