Chapter 450
Little Bobby's eyes are black, bright and big, very beautiful and charming. If you don't look carefully, you really can't tell that he is a blind child, but the more he is like this, the more people feel sorry for him.

After hearing Si Kou Yao's question, his pretty eyes naturally looked in the direction of Prince Dibo.

Seeing that his telepathy is very precise, Si Kou Yao was a little excited.

Perhaps, this child really has potential and deserves to be nurtured by her.

Isn't she about to recruit disciples?

Now that Xiao Jin has been recruited, if Bobby's body returns to health, he can also enter her training class and train him well, so that he can become her right-hand man in the future.

Little Bobby is just a little nephew in the royal family of Dibo Kingdom, and he is so weak and sick, presumably his future will not be valued by others except Prince Dibo.

Even King Dibo doesn't necessarily care about him.

Like King Dibo himself, he had three concubines and gave birth to 35 children in total, and these 35 children gave him many nephews and nieces.

The old man can't remember clearly now, how many descendants he has?
Under such circumstances, can a poor child like Bobby be valued by them?
The answer is definitely no.

Prince Dibo will love him, pet him, and bring him by his side, all because the child's sister is his own sister.

The relationship between their siblings has been very good since they were young, and he loves the house and black. After his sister died, Prince Dibo took little Bobby by his side to take care of him.

Prince Dibo has always cared for Little Bobby and never left him. He even sent a lot of money around the world to find famous doctors, hoping to cure Little Bobby's disease.

It's a pity that little Bobby's illness was brought out from his mother's womb, how could an ordinary doctor be able to cure him?

Just when he was about to be disappointed in the cure of Bobby's illness, even he never thought that he would be so lucky to meet his wife again through Xiao Chifeng, a good friend.

Then, he discovered even more unexpectedly that his friend's wife turned out to be the precious daughter of the Palace Master whom his father had always admired and adored. It was really a coincidence and a very lucky one.

Prince Dibo has been waiting for a suitable opportunity to introduce Little Bobby.

Originally, when it opened yesterday, he begged his concubine mother to bring little Bobby to attend, so that the Lord Hall Master and Si Kouyao could meet the child.

Unexpectedly, when the time came, the child would feel uncomfortable in his heart, which frightened him and the concubine mother so much that they didn't dare to take him out again.

Seeing that Xiao Bobi was better today, he thought that if he didn't seize the time and opportunity, the Palace Master and Si Kouyao would leave again.

Therefore, Prince Dibo has been guarding outside the royal suite. Seeing that the representatives had left, he hurried to find Bobby with his arms in his arms.

Even if he wanted to risk his face, he still asked his sister-in-law to save this poor child!

But Prince Dibo hasn’t said anything yet. He didn’t expect his sister-in-law to like little Bobby so much when she saw him, and she said she would take him back for treatment. Prince Dibo felt like he was hit by a pie from the sky. Same, overjoyed, smiling.

Si Kou Yao suddenly thought of another question, and asked Prince Dibo, "Where's Little Bobby's father? We're going to take him back. His father won't have any objections, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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