Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 452 Opportunity is in front of him

Chapter 452 Opportunity is in front of him
When Prince Dibo saw Si Kou Yao smiling, his thoughts seemed to drift away, and he didn't know what she thought of, but he looked happy.

Seeing that she was thinking about something, Prince Dibo didn't dare to disturb him. Looking sideways, he saw Xiao Chifeng who had been sitting on the side as the scene set, and asked with a smile, "Xiao Fengfeng, if I go too, won't it hinder you?" ?”

Xiao Chifeng turned his head and glared at him, then sneered and said, "If I don't agree with you going, will you not go?"

Prince Dibo patted him on the shoulder hard, and laughed loudly, "Hahaha, as expected, Xiao Fengfeng is the one who knows me! As long as my father agrees to release him, of course I will go, and I will follow you even if I am shameless." Let's go, hahaha..."

According to his observations in the past few days, if Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao can agree to let him enter their home to accompany little Bobby, the father will definitely be more excited and excited than himself.

It would be great if my sister-in-law could just nod her head and let him and Xiao Bobi go back to the Sikou Hall together, and the emperor would be very happy.

Getting stronger, and getting stronger again, is everyone's dream.

No one wants to stay at the bottom forever and become a stepping stone for others.

Even if he is as high as Prince Dibo, he still has many people to admire and worship.

And he also wanted to become a master like Lord Hall Master and Si Kou Yao.

As long as there is a slight chance, he is not willing to miss it.

What's more, now the opportunity is in front of him, as long as he works a little harder, Si Kouyao will definitely take care of them for the sake of their friendship.

She is a very kind woman, you can tell by her treatment of little Bobby.

Prince Dibo looked at Xiao Chifeng and sighed to him again, "Xiao Fengfeng, what kind of luck do you think you had to marry a woman as good as my sister-in-law? I really envy you, so envious, so envious, woo Woohoo, why am I not so lucky?"

Si Kouyao listened to it, and she couldn't help curling her lips, "Your Highness, you are just fascinated by these too many flowers, and you don't know what kind of woman you want. Anyway, you think, this That’s okay, that’s better, you’re not willing to part with this one, and you’re not willing to part with that one, right?”

Prince Dibo smiled awkwardly, "Sister-in-law, can you not hurt me? I know that my philandering temperament is not good at all. But, you also know our national conditions, we can have polygamy, Even my royal father has married three wives, as for me, I guess I will marry a few more in the future, in our place, only incompetent men only marry one wife."

Si Kou Yao looked at him with a speechless face, speechless...

He's said it all, the national conditions are like this, what else can she say?
His flirtatious temperament did not change after he grew up, but was instilled and educated in the idea that he would have many, many wives in the future.

Everyone has their own destiny, and Si Kouyao didn't express much opinion on other people's personal problems, and the topic was kept to the end, lest people have different ideas, and if the dispute continues, it will embarrass each other and make it difficult to get along with each other.

There is a saying that doesn't mean that, I don't necessarily agree with your ideas and concepts, but I can understand you.

After Prince Dibo had dinner, he made an appointment with them to go out to play tomorrow, and then he took little Bobby back.

When Xiao Bobi left, he still hugged Si Kou Yao's neck and refused to let go.

Seeing Xiao Bobi clinging to her so much, Si Kouyao felt sorry for him even more, hugged him and kissed him a few more times before letting go.

(End of this chapter)

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