Chapter 456 Baby, I love you too!
"Yao'er, are you back home?"

Hearing the gentle question of the palace master's father, Si Kou Yao's heart softened, and she nodded with a smile, "Yes, father, I'm home. Are you finishing your business soon?"

The master of the hall smiled softly, "No, I still need to delay some more time, and I will go to you right away when I finish my father's work."

Si Kouyao nodded with a smile, and said to the Lord Master, "Father, when you come this time, we will treat Ah Chi's parents and grandparents to dinner, okay?"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, the Lord Palace Master thought of what was written in the investigation materials, Mrs. Xiao and President Xiao bullied his daughter back then, and had no background or background. The smile on his face sank immediately, and he said with a sneer, "I should treat them to a meal, and thank them face to face for taking care of you!"

The last word "take care of" was said by the Lord Master through gritted teeth.

When Si Kouyao heard the chills, she quickly said coquettishly, "Father, you help your daughter find her place. My daughter is very happy and has a lot of face, but you have to remember to be modest. If you go too far, they will Maybe you have to blame me again, but the gain outweighs the loss, we can't do business at a loss, don't you think?"

Hearing her words, the master of the hall suddenly laughed again, "You are right! Father has his own tricks to deal with them. If you don't punish this kind of person, he still doesn't know your goodness, nor does he know other people's. Awesome, I heard that they forced you to sign some kind of agreement, and then gave you 500 million, right?"

Si Kou Yao blinked in surprise, "Father, you even know this? Then what else do you not know?"

The master of the hall snorted coldly, "On this earth, as long as I want to know, there is nothing I don't know."

Si Kou Yao gave a thumbs up to the Palace Master, "Father, you are too powerful! My daughter's worship of you is really like the water of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. It's endless..."

Hearing Si Kouyao's exaggerated words as if he was reciting lines, the master of the palace calmed down a little, and couldn't help laughing again, "You girl, you are just so naughty, well, there is something else to do for your father. , I'll find you when I'm done."

Si Kou Yao quickly waved his paw at him, "Okay, Dad, goodbye, I love you!"

When the lord of the hall heard the last sentence of "I love you" from his precious daughter, his heart was burning again.

He also really wanted to say back to her, "Baby, I love you too!"

But he said it thousands of times in his heart, but he was just too embarrassed to say it.

In the end, the Lord Hall Master could only blushed and quickly turned off the communicator.

Si Kouyao really loves and loves her innocent father very much.

The fate of her father's life in this life is really rough. The women he meets are all powerful and evil women by any means.

Except for the short-lived romance with her mother, which was worth his nostalgia, in this life, he was really too lonely, too lonely.

As Daddy's daughter, she really wanted to share his worries, hoped that he could live happily, and hoped that he could regain happiness.

But why does she feel so bad when she thinks that maybe one day, her beautiful father will really embrace another woman?
This is just thinking about it, if reality really comes, can she accept it?

But if Dad really wants to find a second spring, she can't stop him from looking for happiness, right?

(End of this chapter)

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