Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 465 The Highest Level of Face Slapping

Chapter 465 The Highest Level of Face Slapping

Xiao Chifeng, who came out following Si Kouyao, saw his lovely wife smiling so happily while hugging her father-in-law, and he also raised his lips slightly.

But Si Kouyao's trust and attachment to his father-in-law made him a little bit heartbroken, a little jealous, and sour and uncomfortable.

The master of the hall held Si Kouyao's hand, walking into the hall gracefully as if he was at home.

When passing by Xiao Chifeng, Xiao Chifeng called out, "Father-in-law, you are back."

Lord Palace Master snorted softly, as he answered Xiao Chifeng's greeting.

Even with just a soft hum, Xiao Chifeng couldn't be happier.

What he is most afraid of is that his father-in-law will ignore him. It is the scariest thing to treat him as if he does not exist.

Father-in-law is willing to snort at him now, proving that he is still in his eyes, even though he is humming lightly, at least he has answered the call of his father-in-law, acquiescing to the existence of his son-in-law!
After Xiao Chifeng was happy, he suddenly realized that he really had no status in front of his father-in-law.

It seems that in the future, we have to show more performances to make Yaoyao like him more and love him even more. Father-in-law loves Wu Jiwu, so naturally he will look at him differently.

A group of people followed the Lord Hall Master into the room, Xiao Chifeng and Si Kou Yao sat on the left side of the Lord Hall Master.

Xu Boli stood by and listened to orders at any time.

As soon as the patriarch of the Bai family entered the hall, he knelt down in the direction of the Lord Hall Master again, not daring to get up, but anxiously waiting for the Lord Hall Master's final verdict.

Si Kouyao took a look at the patriarch of the Bai family who was in a state of embarrassment and had bruises on his forehead, and asked the master of the palace, "Father, who is this man?"

The master of the palace snorted coldly, and said disdainfully, "He, the old ancestor of the Bai family who killed you repeatedly, is called Bai Xichun."

As soon as Bai Xichun heard the introduction from the lord of the palace, even if it was not a very pleasant introduction, he quickly turned to Si Kouyao's direction, and kowtowed three times to Si Kouyao, "The slave Bai Xichun has seen the eldest lady."

"Slave?" Si Kou Yao smiled softly, "Patriarch of the Bai family, we dare not call you that!"

Bai Xichun said to Si Kouyao again, "Miss, this slave has already declared to the Palace Master just now that this slave is willing to donate all the property of the Bai family, voluntarily leads the Bai family to sell themselves as slaves, and voluntarily swears the heart demon oath. I beg Missy to forgive our past crimes, and give us a chance to repay Missy’s great kindness by being a cow and a horse for generations to come.”

Si Kou Yao looked at the Hall Master with doubts on his face.

She only heard the sound transmission from the Lord of the Palace resounding in her mind, "Yao'er, take a look, do you want to use this Bai family?"

Si Kou Yao also used her spiritual thoughts to send a voice transmission back to the Lord Hall Master, "Father, the goal these people have in mind is to join your Si Kou Palace! If you really only need to pay a little bit of wealth and sell yourself as a slave, I think the cultivation world will There are countless people who are willing to do this, if we accept them, wouldn't it be cheaper for them?"

A smile flashed in the eyes of Lord Hall Master, it's really good that she can think of this!
The master of the hall asked her again through voice transmission, "Then what do you want to do? You were bullied by that Bai family in Haicheng back then, didn't you want to let it out?"

Si Kouyao smiled softly, looked at her father, and replied via voice transmission, "Father, my current status has already severely slapped those who looked down on me in the face. When you see me, you can only bow your head, I don't even need to do anything, they are already ashamed, do I still need to deliberately take revenge?"

(End of this chapter)

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